INERTIA: The tendency of matter to remain at rest if at rest,
or, if moving, to keep moving in the same direction, unless affected by some outside force

The Activity:
(Print out the handout located at the bottom of this page before doing this activity.)

The materials you will need include:
An index card or playing card
A plastic cup or glass
A penny What did you need to do to get the penny inside the cup?
What made the penny go somewhere else than the cup?
What are some other ways you tried this experiment?
How do you think this experiment might apply to roller coasters?
Do you think inertia is important to the laws of physics and motion? Why?

These websites may help you to answer the questions:
Inertia Laws
How Stuff Works- Inertia and Forces
Park Physics Glossary

Inertia Handout
(Note to Instructors: Answer sheets to the Handouts may be obtained by email to the webmaster-

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