As a conclusion to this project, you will demonstrate your knowledge of the strength of electric fields by creating an image of a charge distribution. 

Pick a distribution that you think will have an interesting array of field lines.  (For example, one of the five distributions you already examined looked similar to a flower.)  Carefully plot the points for your distribution on a large sheet of graph paper or poster board (at least 8 1/2'' by 11''), and then trace out enough field lines to demonstrate the field and make the region aesthetically pleasing.  Choose two colors that represent regions of high electric field and low electric field, and color the corresponding regions.  You may blend the colors as you see fit. 

Be sure to include a key to your graph explaining which color represents which region, the charges of the points, and the positions of the points in the coordinate plane. 

We will display these graphics to the rest of the class on a bulletin board.

