Alberto J. Lamadrid L.
- Summary
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research
- Teaching
- Contact
1. Summary
Current Position:
Associate Professor, James T. Kane Faculty Fellow.
Associate Director, Institute for Cyber Physical Infrastructure and Energy (I-CPIE).
Joint appointment Economics, Industrial and Systems Engineering. Integrated Networks for Electricity ("Smart Grid") Cluster, Lehigh University.
Research Affiliate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems (LIDS).
Main areas of research:
electricity and environmental markets and mechanisms; cyber-physical systems; energy economics; optimization in stochastic, interdependent networks; and resource economics.
Currently working on research examining:
environmental change in social and ecological systems; strategies for resilient systems and sustainable planning; mechanisms for quantification and management of risk in networks; adoption of renewable energy sources in energy systems; and the valuation of critical infrastructure assets.
2019-2020 Sabbatical Leave at MIT.
2. Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae:
Google Scholar
3. Research
Efficiency and consumer welfare under retail electricity deregulation: Analysis of Ohio's retail choice markets,
with N. Dormady, W. Welch, Y. Ji, S. Pedron, A. Shafieezadeh, M. Hoyt and S. Fox. Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy, 6 (1), e12031, 2025. (web) (pdf)
Uncertainty-Informed Renewable Energy Scheduling: A Scalable Bilevel Framework,
with D. Zhao, V. Dvorkin, S. Delikaraoglou and A. Botterud. IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation, 2 (1), 132-145, 2024. (web) (pdf)
Co-optimizing the Smart Grid and Electric Public Transit Bus System,
with M. Yetkin, B.R. Augustino and L.V. Snyder. Optimization and Engineering OPTE, 2024. (web) (pdf)
A Simple Way to Integrate Distributed Storage Into a Wholesale Electricity Market,
with H. Lu and T.D. Mount. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 2023. (web) (pdf)
Won't you be my neighbor? Local community identification predicted decreased stress over the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic,
with N. Ungson, K. Bucher, J. Marsh and D. Packer. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12764, 2023. (web) (pdf)
The Effects of High Penetrations of Renewable Energy Sources in Cycles for Electricity Markets: An Experimental Analysis,
with J. Arias-Gaviria and S. Arango-Aramburo. Energy Policy, 166 (113014), 2022. (web) (pdf)
The Impact of Convexity on Expansion Planning in Low-Carbon Electricity Markets,
with S. Wogrin, D. Tejada-Arango, S. Delikaraoglou and A. Botterud. TOP, 30 (3),574-593, 2022. (web) (pdf)
A Robust Decision-Support Method Based on Optimization and Simulation for Wildfire Resilience in Highly Renewable Power Systems,
with T. Tapia, A. Lorca, D. Olivares and M. Negrete-Pincetic. European Journal of Operational Research, 294 (2), 723-733, 2021. (web) (pdf)
A Coordinated Scheme of Electricity-Gas Systems and Impacts of a Gas System FDI Attacks on Electricity System,
with B. Zhao, R.S. Blum and S. Kishore. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 131, 107060, 2021. (web) (pdf)
Effects of Infrastructure Service Disruptions Following Hurricane Irma: Multilevel Analysis of Postdisaster Recovery Outcomes,
with D. Mitsova, A.M. Esnard., A. Sapat, M. Escaleras and C. Velarde-Perez. Natural Hazards Review, 22 (1), 04020055, 2021. (web) (pdf)
A Trilevel Model against False Gas-supply Information Attacks in Electricity Systems,
with B. Zhao, R.S. Blum and S. Kishore. Electric Power Systems Research, 189 (2), 106541, 2020. (web) (pdf)
Evaluating the Impact of Infrastructure Interdependencies on the Emergency Services Sector and Critical Support Functions Using an Expert Opinion Survey,
with D. Mitsova, A. Sapat and A.M. Esnard. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 26 (2), 04020015, 2020. (web) (pdf)
The Economic Value of Distributed Storage at Different Locations on an Electric Grid,
with W.Y. Jeon and T.D. Mount. The Energy Journal, 40 (4), 165-190, 2019. (web) (pdf)
Pricing In Non-Convex Markets with Quadratic Deliverability Costs,
with X. Kuang and L.F. Zuluaga. Energy Economics, 80, 123-131, 2019. (web) (pdf)
The Effects of Infrastructure Service Disruptions and Socio-economic Vulnerability on Hurricane Recovery,
with D. Mitsova, M. Escaleras, A. Sapat and A.M. Esnard. Sustainability, 11 (2), 2019. (web) (pdf)
A Heuristic Approach to the Post-disturbance Microgrid Formation Problem,
with K. Sedzro, X. Shi and L.F. Zuluaga. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10 (5), 5574-5586, 2019. (web) (pdf)
Stochastic Optimal Power Flow Under Forecast Errors and Failures in Communication,
with B. Alnajjab, L.V. Snyder, S. Kishore and R.S. Blum. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10 (4), 4128-4137, 2019. (web) (pdf)
Using the MATPOWER Optimal Scheduling Tool to Test Power System Operation Methodologies Under Uncertainty,
with D. Munoz-Alvarez, C.E. Murillo-Sanchez, R.D. Zimmerman, H.(D.) Shin and R.J. Thomas. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 10 (3), 1280-1289, 2019. (web) (pdf)
Stochastic Risk-sensitive Market Integration for Renewable Energy: Application to Ocean Wave Power Plants,
with K. Sedzro, S. Kishore and L.F. Zuluaga. Applied Energy, 229, 474-481, 2018. (web) (pdf)
Pricing Chance Constraints in Electricity Markets,
with X. Kuang, Y. Dvorkin, M. Ortega-Vazquez and L.F. Zuluaga. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33 (4), 4634-4636, 2018. (web) (pdf)
Allocation of Resources using a Microgrid Formation Approach for Resilient Electric Grids,
with K. Sedzro and L.F. Zuluaga. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 33 (3), 2633-2643, 2018.(web) (pdf)
Generalized Minimax: A Self-enforcing Pricing Scheme for Load Aggregators,
with K. Sedzro and M.C. Chuah. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9 (3), 1953-1963, 2018. (web) (pdf)
The Economic Value of Transmission Lines and the Implications for Planning Models,
with S. Maneevitjit and T.D. Mount. Energy Economics, 57, 1-15, 2016. (web) (pdf)
A Robust Model for the Ramp-Constrained Economic Dispatch Problem with Uncertain Renewable Energy,
with M.M. Moarefdoost and L.F. Zuluaga. Energy Economics, 56, 310-325, 2016. (web) (pdf)
Optimal Use of Energy Storage Systems with Renewable Energy Sources,
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 71 (0), 101-111, 2015. (web) (pdf)
Stochastically Optimized, Carbon-Reducing Dispatch of Storage, Generation, and Loads,
with D.L. Shawhan, C.E. Murillo-Sanchez, R.D. Zimmerman, Y. Zhu, D.J. Tylavsky, A.G. Kindle and Z. Dar. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 30 (2), 1064-1075, 2015. (web) (pdf)
Using Deferrable Demand in a Smart Grid to Reduce the Cost of Electricity for Customers,
with W. Jeon, J.Y. Mo and T.D. Mount. Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol. 47, Issue 3, pp 239-272, June 2015. (web) (pdf)
The Controllability of Real Things: Planning for Wind Integration,
with W. Jeon, J.Y. Mo and T.D. Mount. The Electricity Journal, 28 (1), 19-28, 2015. (web) (pdf)
Is Deferrable Demand an Effective Alternative to Upgrading Transmission Capacity?,
with T.D. Mount, W. Jeon and H. Lu. Journal of Energy Engineering, B4014005, March 12, 2014. (web) (pdf)
Shale gas vs. coal: Policy implications from environmental impact comparisons of shale gas, conventional gas, and coal on air, water, and land in the United States,
with S. Jenner. Energy Policy, 53, 442-453, 2013. (web) (pdf)
Ancillary Services in Systems with Penetration of Renewable Energy Sources, The Case of Ramping,
with T.D. Mount. Energy Economics, 34, 1959-1971, 2012. (web) (pdf)
The Hidden System Costs of Wind Generation in a Deregulated Electricity Market,
with T.D. Mount, S. Maneevitjit, R.J. Thomas and R.D. Zimmerman. The Energy Journal, 33 (1), 161-186, 2012. (web) (pdf)
Wine in Your Knapsack,
with J. Conrad and M. Gomez. Journal of Wine Economics, 6 (1), 83-110, 2011. (web) (pdf)
Funding sources for my research include the U.S. National Science Foundation, the U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA‑E), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and the U.S. Department of Energy.
4. Teaching
Lehigh University:
Mathematical Economics; Ph.D., Masters.
Lehigh University, Fall 2014-2022.
Economics and Markets; MBA.
Lehigh University, Fall 2020-2022.
Government and Society; MBA.
Lehigh University, Fall 2018-2022.
Electricity Economics; Ph.D., Masters, Undergraduate.
Lehigh University, Spring 2013, 2014, 2021; Fall 2015-2018.
Intermediate Microeconomics; undergraduate.
Lehigh University, Fall 2012-Spring 2021.
Community Consulting Practicum; undergraduate.
Lehigh University, Fall 2016-2018.
Pre Doctoral:
KTH, June 2011.
Teaching Assistant, Economic Principles I, Professor Marc Lieberman.
New York University, Fall 2004.
Teaching Assistant, Economic Principles II, Professor Dermot Gately.
New York University, Spring 2004.
Teaching Assistant, Economic Principles II, Professor Stefano Eusepi.
New York University, Fall 2003.
5. Contact
Please contact me with any questions or requests.
RBC 451
621 Taylor Street
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA, 18015, U.S.A.
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA, 02139, U.S.A.
E-mail: ajlamadrid (at) lehigh (dot) edu, ajlamadrid (at) mit (dot) edu, ajlamadrid (at) ieee (dot) org
Phone: +1 212.496.2492