Zheng Yao Zheng Yao

Principal Research Scientist

Energy Research Center
117 ATLSS Drive
Mountaintop Campus
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA 18015

P: (610) 758-4545
E: zhy4@lehigh.edu

Zheng Yao is a principal research scientist at the Energy Research Center. He has more than twenty years of experience as a professional researcher in the energy and environment sectors, where he has been working in areas of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Technologies; Advanced Sensors, Software and Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Development and Implementation; and Critical Material and Water Sustainability.

He has participated in research projects funded by U.S./State/Local government agencies, domestic and international research institutes, utility companies, equipment manufacturers, and private sectors, with more than 60 research, development and demonstration contracts, among which acts as principal investigator in 30 of them. He has more than 60 publications in journals and conferences, and more than 100 technical reports and studies. He has presented in international conferences, and been invited as an expert to workshops organized by Department of Energy. He has multiple U.S. and international patents. He also mentored graduate, undergraduate, and local high school students.

About the ERC
