Robert H. Storer
- Professor of: - Co-Director of the Integrated Business and Engineering
Honors Program - Co-Director of the Analytical
Finance Masters Program I&SE Department Mohler Lab #200 LehighBethlehem Phone: (610) 758-4436 rhs2 “at” lehigh.edu Send me Email |
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IE/OR/Systems Engineering applications in Healthcare
Sequencing and scheduling, especially robust,
adaptive and stochastic problems, and stochastic combinatorial optimization
Heuristics including Problem Space Search
based methods and methods based on stochastic integer programming
Estimation, simulation and modeling in
financial engineering
Background and Education:
Ph. D. Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1987
M. S. Operations Research, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1982
B. S. Industrial and Operations Engineering, The University of Michigan, 1979
Professor, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh University (5/99‑ Present)
Founding Co‑Director, , Integrated Business and Engineering Honors Program (1999‑ Present)
Co-Director, Analytical Finance Program (2007-Present)
visiting scholar, Frontera
Manufacturing Logistics Institute,
Visiting Scientist, University of South Australia, (6/99-8/99 and 2/03)
Visiting Scientist, Air Products and Chemicals Inc., (6/98 – 8/98)
Scientist, Division of Mathematics and Statistics, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research
Organization (CSIRO),
Professor of Industrial Engineering,
Professor of Industrial Engineering,
Dept. of Industrial Engineering,
Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant, Dept. of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech (9/81 – 8/86)
Research Engineer, General Dynamics Corp. (8/79‑8/81)
The American Statistical Association (ASA)
- Introduction to Health Systems Engineering (Fall 2010)
- Simulation IE 305/404 Spring 2012 Syllabus
- Integrated Business and Engineering Junior Lab on Logistics and Ops. Mgmt. using the Business Game (Internal Lehigh Link) IBE 250 Fall 2011 Syllabus
- Design of Experiments IE 410 Fall 2009 Syllabus
- Deterministic Models in OR
- Times Series Analysis
- Probabilistic Models in OR
- Statistical Process Control
- Advanced Methods in Quality Control
- Probability and Statistics IE 111 Syllabus Fall 2011
- Deming Lewis Award, recognizing the Lehigh faculty member who has significantly influenced the educational experience of the 10th year alumni class (2011-2012).
Outstanding Faculty Award, Dept. of Industrial and
Systems Engineering,
- Lehigh University Founder’s Day Keynote Address (2009)
Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Award, Lehigh's highest award for teaching
University 2005 – Most cited Paper in Engineering from
- Most cited papers in “Management Science” from 1992 “New Search Spaces for Sequencing Problems with Application to Job Shop Scheduling”, R.H. Storer, S.D. Wu, and R. Vaccari, Management Science 38 (10): 1495
Distinguished visiting scholar for Summer 2005, Frontera
Nominated jointly with S.D. Wu for the Eleanor and
Joseph F. Libsch Research Award,
- Exxon Education Foundation Award (1990-1991, 1991-1992, 1992-1993)
- President’s Fellowship, Georgia Institute of Technology, 1982
“Stochastic integer programming based algorithms for adaptable open block surgery scheduling”, Camilo Mancilla and Robert H. Storer, MSOM, in review, 2012.
"A set-partitioning-based model for the stochastic vehicle routing problem", C. Novoa, R. Berger, J. Linderoth, R. Storer, European Journal of Operational Research, in review.
“Stochastic Sequencing of Surgeries for a Single Surgeon Operating in Parallel Operating Rooms”, C. Mancilla and R.H. Storer, IIE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering, in review.
“Balanced Assignment of Experimental Units in the Analysis of Covariance through Optimization”, Robert Howley and R.H. Storer, IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability, in revision, 2011.
“New Estimators of the Hurst Index for Fractional Brownian Motion”, V. Dobric, D. Scansaroli and R.H. Storer, under revision 2011.
“A sample average approximation approach to stochastic appointment sequencing and scheduling”, C. Mancilla and R.H. Storer, IIE Transactions, to appear (2012).
“Predictive/reactive scheduling with controllable processing times”, A. Turkcan, M.S. Akturk and R.H. Storer, IIE Transactions, Vol. 41, pp. 1080-1095, (2009)
“A family of linear programming algorithms based on an algorithm by von Neumann”, J.P.M. Goncalves, Robert H. Storer, and Jacek Gondzio, Optimization Methods and Software, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 461-478 (2009)
“An approximate dynamic programming approach for the vehicle routing problem”, Clara M. Novoa and Robert H. Storer, European Journal of Operations Research Vol. 196, No.2, pp. 509-515, (2009)
“The influence of latex blend composition on crosslinking and mechanical properties”, Brian Boyars, Eric S. Daniels, Robert Storer, Andrew Klein, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 104, N0 6, pp. 3774-3779 (2007)
“Due Date and Cost Based FMS Loading, Scheduling and Tool Management”, Ayten Turkcan, M. Selim Akturk, Robert H. Storer, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, No.5, 1 March 2007, 1183-1213. (2007).
“Techniques for Solving the Subset Sum
Problem”, R.J.W. James and R.H. Storer, International Transactions in Operational Research, Vol. 12, No. 4,
pp 437-453, (2005).
“Heuristic Algorithms
for a Turbine-Blade-Balancing Problem”, Wonjoon
Choi and Robert H. Storer, Computers in Operations Research, 31 pp. 1245-1258. (2004)
J. Pan, G. L. Tonkay, R. H. Storer, R. Sallade, and D. Leandri, "Critical Variables of Solder Paste Stencil Printing for micro-BGA and Fine Pitch QFP," IEEE Transactions on Electronics Packaging Manufacturing 27(2) pp. 125-132. (2004)
"A Problem Space Algorithm for Single Machine Weighted Tardiness Problems"' Selcuk Avci, M. Selim Akturk, Robert H. Storer, IIE Transaction , 35(5), pp. 479-486, (2003).
" Nonidentical Parallel CNC Machine Scheduling”, Ayten Turkcan, M. Selim Akturk, Robert H. Storer, International Journal of Production Research. 41(10), pp. 2143-2168, (2003).
"Improving Melt Scheduling in Steel
Manufacturing Processes," K.S.
“Heuristic and Exact Algorithms for Scheduling Aircraft Landings”, A. Ernst, M. Krishnamoorthy and R.H. Storer, Networks, Vol. 34, No. 3, 229-241, 1999.
“A Graph-theoretic Decomposition of the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem to Achieve Scheduling Robustness”, Wu, S.D., Byeon, E.S., and R.H. Storer, Operations Research Vol. 47, No. 1, 113-124, 1999.
"Decomposition Heuristics for Robust Job-Shop
Scheduling", E.S.
“Problem Space Search Algorithms
for Resource Constrained Project Scheduling”, K.
"Problem Space Local Search for Number Partitioning" R.H. Storer, S.W. Flanders and S.D. Wu, The Annals of Operations Research, 63, pp. 465-487, (1996).
“A Neural Network Approach to Prediction of Vehicle Driving Comfort", L.I. Burke, R.H. Storer, L.L. Lansing, and S.W. Flanders, IIE Transactions, 28(6), pp. 439-452, (1996).
"Local Search in Problem and Heuristic Space for Job Shop Scheduling" R.H. Storer, S.D. Wu and R. Vaccari, ORSA Journal on Computing, 7(4), pp. 453-467, (1995).
"Datapath Synthesis Using Problem Space Genetic Algorithms", M.K. Dhodhi, F.H. Hielscher, R.H. Storer, and J. Bhasker, IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 14(8), pp. 934-944, (1995).
"Shemus: Synthesis of Heterogeneous Multiprocessor
Systems", M.K. Dhodhi,
"High-Level Synthesis of Self-recoverable ASICs Using Micro Rollback", I. Ahmad, M.K. Dhodhi, K. Saleh, and R.H. Storer, International Journal of Electronics, 142(1), pp.65-71, (1995).
"Disturbance Detection and Isolation by Dynamic Principal Component Analysis", W. Ku, R.H. Storer, and C. Georgakis, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 30, pp. 179-196, (1995).
"Uses of State Estimation for Statistical Process Control", Ku, W., Storer, R.H., and Georgakis, C., Computers in Chemical Engineering, 18, pp. S571-S575, (1994).
"Robustness Measures and Robust Scheduling for Job Shops," Leon, V. J., Wu, S.D. and Storer, R. H., IIE Transactions, 26(5), pp. 32-43, (1994).
"A Game Theoretic Approach for Job
Shops in the Presence of Random Disruptions",
Rescheduling Heuristics with Efficiency and Stability as Criteria,"
"New Search Spaces for Sequencing Problems with Application to Job Shop Scheduling" R.H. Storer, S.D. Wu and R. Vaccari, Management Science., 38(10), pp. 1495-1509, (1992).
"A Study of Wheel Wear in Electrochemical Surface Grinding", Ilhan, R., Sathyanarayanan, R., Storer, R.H., and Phillips, R., Journal of Engineering for Industry, Transactions of ASME, 114(1), pp. 82-93, (1992).
"Off-Line Multiresponse Optimization of Electrochemical Surface Grinding by a Multi-Objective Programming Method", Ilhan, R.E., Sathyanarayanan, G., Storer, R.H. and Liao, W.T., International Journal of Machine Tool Design and Manufacture, 32(3), pp. 435-452, (1992).
"Economic Models
and Process Quality Control",
“Parameters Effecting Hospital Occupancy and Implications for Facility Sizing”, W. Hancock, D. Magerlein, J. Martin and R.H. Storer, Health Services Research, 2(4), pp. 221-228, (1978).
“A Simulation Study of Parameters Effecting Unit Occupancy and Implications for Facility Sizing”, W. Hancock, K. Hawley, J. Martin and R.H. Storer, Health Services Research, (1978).
· “Research and Development of Load Optimization”, PA Northeast Tier Ben Franklin Partnership and TRL Inc., PI’s R.H. Storer and J.C. Hartman.
· "Development of a Reliable Neural Network System for Integrating Comfort Assessment with Ergonomic Design", L.I. Burke and R.H. Storer, Co-PI's. Chrysler Challenge Fund.
· "A Manufacturing View of the Software Development Process", Co-PI's: R.H. Storer and S.D. Wu, Unisys Corp.
· Exxon Education Foundation Award,1990-1993
Rob Howley,
“Optimization approaches to bounds on random variables” Ph.D.
Dissertation. Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering,
Camilo Mancilla,
“Algorithms for Stochastic Scheduling Problems in Health Care
Delivery”, Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Industrial & Systems
Daniel Scansaroli,
“Fractional Brownian Motion Models in Finance”, Ph.D. Dissertation.
Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering,
Stephen Mansour,
“Mortgage Pricing Models”, Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Industrial
& Systems Engineering,
Wasu Glankwamdee, Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Industrial
& Systems Engineering,
Udom Janjarassuk, Ph.D. Dissertation. Dept. of Industrial
& Systems Engineering,
· Joao Goncalves, “Extensions of Von Neumann’s Algorithm for Linear Programming”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Lehigh University, 2006. (Currently with IBM)
Clara Novoa,
“Approximate Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Stochastic-Dynamic
Vehicle Routing Problems”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Industrial &
Systems Engineering,
Charalombos Marangos, “Simulation Based Scheduling
Algorithms”, (Co-chaired with E. Zimmers), Ph.D.
Dissertation, Dept. of Industrial
& Systems Engineering,
Nianpin Cheng, “Heuristics
for the Multidimensional Knapsack Problem”,, Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Industrial & Systems
Selcuk Avci, “Novel Heuristics for Scheduling Problems with
Non-regular Performance Measures”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of
Industrial & Systems Engineering,
Jaime Bustos,
“New Approaches to Stochastic Scheduling”, Ph.D. Dissertation,
Dept. of Industrial Engineering,
My wife Amy is a
Professor of Nursing
at Cedar Crest College
My daughter Andrea
is graduating from Lehigh
University majoring in Environmental
My son Bobby is graduating from Liberty
High School. He will attend