Mathematical Library Functions:


All of the higher level languages have rich libraries which contain many of the functions used in calculus. Examples of those can be found in your book. 

In particular we list the following:

·        the exponential function   exp (x)  for ex

·        the power function  pow( x, n ) for xn

·        the trigonometric functions: sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), asin(x), …..NOTE: You must use radians not degrees

·        The absolute value function for integer arguments:  abs ( number )

·        The absolute value function for float or double arguments:  fabs ( decimal_number )

·        The square root function sqrt(x) , same result as pow( x, 0.5)

·        The logarithmic function  log( x ) for natural logarithm

·        The logarithmic function  log10( x ) for  logarithm of base 10


All of these functions are included by the <math.h>  header




We also suggest that you check the help section of your software.  For example in Visual C++ from HELP – Index we can find the following:




And if we select  math routines and we click display we obtain a list of the functions. Clicking on a function generates a full explanation for that particular function. For example:





 ã  2001  J. Y. Kazakia. All rights reserved.