Lehigh Valley American Regions Math League team

Lehigh Valley American Regions Math League team photos

This page has photos related to the Lehigh Valley ARML team.

HMMT 2025. Fire team. Ice team. Alex Wang, top individual. Chris Qiu, first in Geometry

PUMaC 2024. Fire team. Ice team. Fire after winning

Photos of ceremony of quilt made by Yi Chen from t-shirts of her daughter Claire Tang and installed in Lehigh's math department. Sept 22,2024. Photos by Kenuo Pan.

2024 yearbook, primary author Xiaofan Pan.

Photos at 2024 picnic taken by Kenuo Pan.

Video of awards ceremony 2024, taken by Lily Jiang. Preceded by "Is Don Davis in the audience?"

Photos at 2024 ARML contest taken by Qian Huang.

Photos at 2024 ARML contest and picnic by Zhaoyang Yang.

2024 HMMT teams. First place Fire. Ice.

2023 PUMaC teams.First place Fire. Ice.

2023 yearbook, primary author Xiaofan Pan.

2023 photos taken by Nan Feng.

Photos of 2023 ARML picnic taken by Kenuo Pan.

Photos at 2023 ARML contest taken by Kenuo Pan.

Entry in song contest, 2023. Lyrics.

PUMaC April 2023 Skyler Le, Alex Wang, coach Xianyi Zeng, coach Don Davis, Chris Qiu, Andrew Lin. All were Individual Finalists. Team finished second. Alex was first in Number Theory and second overall.

A new rendering of our ARML t-shirt design by William Pan, March 2023, and logos for our teams: Fire, Ice, Lightning, and Thunder.

Fire team that won 2023 HMMT contest.

ARML alumni get-together in Philadelphia December 2022. Ryan Zhou (Berkeley), Allison Yang (Princeton), Josh Ye (Michigan), Emily Wang (Columbia), Victor Cai (Harvard), Katherine Pan (MIT). The first four will graduate this spring.

Photos of Leo Xu's 18th birthday at ARML practice Oct 2, 2022. (a), (b), (c), taken by Xiaofan Yang.

2022 yearbook, primary author Xiaofan Yang.

ARML contest and reception 2022, taken by Cathy Chen.

ARML contest and reception 2022, taken by Kenuo Pan.

2021 seniors photos and reflections.

Photo and another of ARML alumni reunion on Zoom, January 3, 2021.

2020 seniors photos and reflections.

ARML alums. Chris Yang (Princeton), Aryaman Zhandelwal (Princeton), Andrea Zhang (Harvard), Zoe Pan (Cornell), Victoria Pan (Princeton), Venkatesh Narayan (Carnegie-Mellon), Daniel Qian (Johns Hopkins). Taken in January 2020.

Photos at 2019 ARML contest taken by Lan Zhao.

Photos at 2019 ARML picnic taken by Kenuo Pan.

Photos at 2019 ARML contest and picnic taken by Cathy Chen and others.

Photos at 2018 picnic taken by Kenuo Pan.

Photos at 2018 ARML contest taken by Cathy Chen.

Photos at 2017 picnic taken by Kenuo Pan.

2017 photos taken by Yi Chen

Photos at practice, May 28, 2017, with Paul Martino. Fire. Ice. Lightning. Thunder. Storm.

Photos from Harvard/MIT contest, Feb. 2017, taken by Kevin Aires.

Photos from Princeton contest, Nov., 2016. After the Live round.; Fire team; Sixth place award.

Photo of seniors and coaches at 2016 picnic taken by Yi Chen.

Photos at 2016 ARML contest and picnic taken by Harry Huang.

Photos of 2015 ARML team taken by Audrey Cheung and Yi Chen

Photos from 2015 picnic taken by Matthew Xi and Yishen Lai.

Photos of 2014 ARML contest and picnic taken by Harry Huang and Kenuo Pan.

Ritesh Ragavender at Great Wall of China in Dec 2013. He received bronze medal at Yau Contest in Beijing.

Photos taken at 2013 LV ARML picnic by Suman Nahar.

Eric Schneider winning second place Individual award, 2013. (If it is too big, click on it.)

Gallery of photos taken by Tom Leong at ARML 2013. Use arrow key to navigate. After the second all-team photo, it switches to photos from 2012.

Fire team winning Princeton contest, Nov. 2012

Gallery of photos taken by Tom Leong at 2012 ARML contest.

A gallery of photos taken by Yan Chen at 2012 ARML contest.

Photo of team taken by Tom Leong at end of 2012 ARML contest.

Photos from 2012 HMMT competition

Gallery of photos of 2011 contest, including photos of all teams, taken by Tom Leong. If you click on a thumbnail or press right-arrow it shows you a medium size version of the image. If you click on the medium size version it will then open the original image.

2011 team photo taken by Tom Leong.

Video of winning entry in 2011 Song Contest, "ARML is the best"

Video of announcement of winner of 2011 ARML taken by Bob Zauzmer. If you need a password, it is Lehigh. If you get a Play button, then use it. Otherwise, click "Download this video" in the lower right-hand corner.

Photos taken in June 2011 by Bob Zauzmer

ARML reunion photo taken in Cambridge, Mass., in April 2011 at the Fire and Ice restaurant (which played some role in the naming of our teams in 2005). All students are former members of Lehigh Valley ARML team. From left ot right: Caroline Hsu (current MIT student), Adam Hallowell (Harvard grad now in Harvard Law School), Tianren Qi (MIT grad), Shaunak Kishore (current MIT student), coach Ken Monks, Cathy Wu (current MIT student), Jason Trigg (MIT grad), Huaou Yan (Harvard grad now in Harvard Law School), Peter Fidkowski (MIT grad), Maria Monks (MIT grad now in Cambridge (England) grad school).

Ben Kraft, Ken Monks, and Keenan Monks showing off their LV ARML t-shirts on the Great Wall of China, Dec 2010. They were there for the finals of the Yau competition.

7/8 of the winning team at the 2010 Princeton contest. (Coaches, too.) Also, photo taken when it was announced that Phillips Exeter came in second place.

Photos taken at the 2010 ARML competition by Yiliang Ma.

Photos taken at the 2009 ARML competition by Yiliang Ma.

Photos taken at June 2009 celebratory picnic by Jianhui Shi.

Photos taken at the practice of April 5, 2009, of each of our teams with Paul Martino, our principal sponsor.

Photos taken in 2008 by Yiliang Ma.

Photos taken in 2007 by Yiliang Ma.

Photos taken in 2007 by Ganesh Seshadri.

Photos taken in 2006 by Yiliang Ma.

Front and back of our 2006 T-shirt, provided by Keystone Consulting Engineers.

Photo of Fire team, on stage receiving first place award in 2005. Photo taken by ARML photographer.

Photos (taken by Ken Monks) at the 2005 contest. Larger version, suitable for downloading, of one team picture and another.

Photos of regional meeting of Math Assn of America in November 2005, where three members of our ARML team won an Iron Math contest, competing against college students.

Photos (taken by Matt LaPadula) at the 2004 ARML contest.

More information about Lehigh Valley ARML team