The conference will be focused on the following topics:
Organizing committee
JHU webpage for the conference, which contains a registration form
Program: The conference will begin Saturday morning March 10 and end at noon on Tuesday March 13. Here is a tentative schedule of lectures.
We have NSF support, which will provide some expense reimbursements for participants who need it. If you are interested in being placed on a mailing list regarding all conference matters, please send an e-mail to Don Davis.
There will be a Conference Proceedings which will be published by HHA. Any conference participant may submit, either original research or a survey paper. Submissions will be refereed. The deadline for submission is December 31, 2007. Submit to Mike Boardman, Don Davis, Haynes Miller, or Jack Morava.
Special event: There will be a banquet honoring the 60th birthdays of Doug Ravenel (Feb 07) and W. Stephen Wilson (Nov 06).