1) Are there any obstructions to go from non-negative sectional curvature to positive sectional curvature on compact simply connected manifolds ?

2) (Hopf conjecture) If M×N admits a product metric with non-negative sectional curvature, e.g. S2×S2, does it admit a metric with positive sectional curvature? Same for simply connected compact symmetric spaces with rank > 1.

3) (Hopf conjecture) Is the Euler characteristic c(M) > 0 for an even dimensional positively curved manifold?

4) Are there positively curved metrics on exotic spheres?

5) Are there any positively curved manifolds Mn with n > 24 besides Sn,CPn, HPn?

6) Are there any "towers" of positively curved manifolds besides Sn,CPn, HPn. A tower is M1 Ì M2 Ì ¼ Ì Mi with all Mi positively curved and Mi totally geodesic in Mi+1.

7) Are there any manifolds with pinching d, i.e. 0 < d £ K £ 1, with 1/37 < d < 1/4 ?

8) A Riemannian submersion with totally geodesic fibers is called fat (Weinstein) if all vertizontal curvatures are positive. Show that for a fat principle G bundle, the structure group can not be reduced to a subgroup of G.

9) Are there any fat principle G bundles with dimG > 3? For all known examples G=S1, SO(3) or SU(2).

10) Show that all Eschenburg spaces

diag(zk1, zk2 , zk3)\SU(3)/diag(1,1,zk1+k2+k3)
have a positively curved metric such that the projection to the weighted projective space


is a Riemannian submersion with totally geodesic fibers. For the positively curved Eschenburg metric the fibers are not totally geodesic. So far this is known only for certain values of ki (O.Dearricott).

11) For a metric on the total space of principle circle bundle to have a positively curved metric, such that the projection is a Riemannian submersion with totally geodesic fibers, reduces to the following "hyperfat" condition for the curvature w on the base manifold B (which must be symplectic):

(Ñxw)(x,y)2 < |ixw|2 á RB(x,y)y,xñ

For example, all fibrations S1® Wp,q ® SU(3)/T2 have a hyperfat principal connection.

Show that all fibrations

S1®diag(zk,zl,zk+l) \SU(3) /diag(1,1,z2k+2l)® SU(3)//T2

have a hyperfat connection. This would produce new examples of positive curvature, since the Eschenburg metrics requires that kl > 0.

12) In 1995 Hitchin produced self dual Einstein orbifold metrics gk on S4, one for each positive integer k, which are invariant under the cohomogeneity one action by SO(3).

These metrics give rise to an SO(3) orbifold principle bundle Pk® S4 for each k such that Pk carries a 3-Sasakian metric. As was observed by Grove-Wilking-Ziller Pk is actually a manifold as opposed to just an orbifold.

Show that Pk carry a metric with positive sectional curvature, e.g. a principal bundle metric which is hyperfat.

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