Voyeurism via Flickr: Other People's India Photos
Speaking of marketing Indian tourist sites, I found these photos on Flickr. Just to be clear, these are not my photos! But they are readily available to anyone who does a keyword search for "India" on Flickr. You can also click on the photos to see them in their original context, and find other pictures taken by the same photographers.
Silk shop in Bombay:


Jodhpur fort:


In the Ellora caves:

From Bhaja Caves, near Pune:

Random guys at the Golden Temple, Amritsar:

I can't wait to go back to India this summer (I hope it works out...)
Silk shop in Bombay:


Jodhpur fort:


In the Ellora caves:

From Bhaja Caves, near Pune:

Random guys at the Golden Temple, Amritsar:

I can't wait to go back to India this summer (I hope it works out...)
Srinagar to Lei ? You mean Leh, dontcha ? Sorry, but I couldn't resist a drive-by 'spelling hit' ;)
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