Thursday, March 18, 2004

Documenting hate crimes on campus

Erin O'Connor is encouraging a discussion of how many "real" hate crimes occur on America's college campuses in a given year, after reports of a hate crime that turned out to be a hoax on Claremont College.

I looked up "hate crimes on campus," and came up with the following results:

People looking for stats can go to the websites of ADL and the Department of Education.

ADL has detailed (and well-verified) hate crimes audits. The most recent audit (from 2002) claims there were 104 anti-Semitic incidents on U.S. campuses in 2002, an increase of 24 percent from 2001.


The department of Education has a fairly recent survey:

Note that they list 13 hate-related murders in 2001!

Also interesting is the fact that the numbers seem to decline from 2001 to 2002.