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Academic Performance Concern (Section 3) Reporting Form

Academic Performance Concern (Section 3) forms should be completed if a student appears to be neglecting course work or interferes with the discipline of any courses. Please complete the following electronic form. The student and their advisor will be notified through email. Students are instructed to meet with their professor and advisor to discuss the concern(s) and create a plan of action. After the meetings, the student will complete the Academic Performance Concern DocuSign form to obtain their professor and advisor’s signature to complete the process. If students neglect the first report of the Academic Performance Concern notice, the instructor can file a second report. Students failing to react to the second report may be dropped from the course.

Background Information

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Please include the Course

Student Information

Please file an individual Academic Performance Concern notice for each student.

Involved party 1


Please provide the details about why you are submitting this Academic Performance Concern

If you are using this Academic Performance Concern report to have a student removed from class, please note that students can only be removed from your class if:

  • There has been at least one Academic Performance Concern previously submitted for this student in your class this semester.
  • The student's behavior did not change as a result of the previous Academic Performance Concern notice(s).
  • This Academic Performance Concern is submitted on or before the last day to drop a course with a W.
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