Mayuresh V. Kothare
Co-Director, Center for Chemical Process Modeling and Control
R. L. McCann Professor
Department of Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University, D322
Iacocca Hall, 111 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015, U.S.A.
Phone: 610-758-6654
Fax: 610-758-5057
Research Group Page: Click here.
A. Biographical Information
A.1 Personal Information
Date of birth: November 4, 1969
Place of birth: Bombay, India 
Marital status: Married
Children: One son, one daughter
Citizenship: U.S.A.
A.2 Education
1991 B.Tech. (ChE), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),
1995 M.S. (ChE), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
1997 Ph.D. (ChE), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena
A.3 Academic Experience
June - July 1991: Research assistant, IIT Bombay, project sponsored
by the Dept. of Science and Technology (India)
Sept.1991 - Sept 1994: Research assistant, California Institute of
Sept.1994 - Dec.1996: Research assistant, Swiss Fed. Insti. of Tech.
(ETH), Zürich
Jun - Jul 1996: Visiting scholar, Dept. of Elec. Eng., Purdue University
Jan - Jun 1997: Visiting scholar, Dept. of Chem. Eng., City College
New York
Jul 1998 -- present: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chem. Eng., Lehigh
Jul 1998 -- present: Faculty member of the Chemical Process Modeling
and Control Research Center, Lehigh University
Jul 2001 - Jun 2003: P. C. Rossin Assistant Professor of Chem. Eng.,Lehigh
Jan. 2002 -- present: Co-Director, Chemical Process Modeling and Control
Research Center, Lehigh University
Sep. 2002- Aug. 2004: Frank Hook Assistant Professor of Chem. Eng.,
Lehigh University
June 2003 - May 2008: Associate Professor of Chem. Eng., Lehigh University
April-June 2004: Class of 1961 Associate Professor of Chem. Eng., Lehigh U.
July 2004 - May 2008: R. L. McCann Associate Professor of Chem. Eng., Lehigh U.
May 2008 - present: Professor of Chem. Eng., Lehigh U.
May 2008 - present: R. L. McCann Professor of Chem. Eng., Lehigh U.
Sept. 2008 - Aug. 2009: Visiting Professor, Johns Hopkins
School of Medicine
A.4 Industrial Experience
Jun - Jul 1990: Industrial summer trainee, Rhone Poulenc (India) Ltd.
Aug.1995 - Dec. 1996: Initiator and co-ordinator of project Level
Control in the Steam Generator of a Nuclear Power Plant sponsored
by Electricite de France at the Swiss Fed. Inst. of Tech. (ETH)
Jul.- Dec. 1995: Initiator and co-ordinator of project Modeling
and Robust Control of Active Noise Cancellation Systems sponsored
by Sulzer Innotec at the Swiss Fed. Inst. of Tech. (ETH)
Jul. 1997 - Jun. 1998: Postdoctoral research associate, Mobil Technology
Company, New Jersey
May 2000 - August 2002: Collaborative research project with the
Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse, a
consortium of microelectronics
July 2002 - June 2003: Industrial research project with Air
Products & Chemicals Inc. and Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology
Alliance (PITA) on control of Pressure Swing Adsorption systems
Jan. 2002 - present: Co-Director, Industry Liason Program,
Chemical Process Modeling and Control Research Center, Lehigh U.
July 2003 - Dec. 2005: Collaborative research project with the
Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse, a consortium of microelectronics
B. Honors and Awards
1984. Ranked in the first fifty students of Bombay, India, in the Bombay
Talent Search examination in the basic sciences (physics, chemistry,
biology, mathematics)
1986. Selected as the state level representative to participate in
the Indian National Mathematics Olympiad
1991. Dept. of Chem. Eng., Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay,
Silver Medal for ranking first in graduating class
1991. Reliance Heat Transfer Pvt. Ltd. prize for the most outstanding
student graduating from Chem. Eng., Indian Institute of Technology,
1991. J. N. Tata Endowment prize for outstanding students pursuing
studies outside India
1991. Sumant Mulgaonkar Memorial Award given by the Jamsetjii Tata
Trust, India, for demonstrating academic excellence
1991 - 1992. Union Oil Graduate Fellowship, California Institute of
2000. Ted Peterson Student Paper Award, Computing and Systems Technology
(CAST) division of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, for
publishing an outstanding journal paper during graduate studies
2001. Junior faculty (starter) grant from the Petroleum Research Fund
of the American Chemical Society
2001 - 2003. P. C. Rossin Assistant Professorship, the Rossin Endowment,
P. C. Rossin College of Engineering & Applied Sciences, Lehigh University
2001. Outstanding reviewer for Automatica, a premier journal
of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
2002 - 2007. Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award for new
faculty members from the U.S. National Science Foundation
2002. Alfred Noble Robinson Award, Lehigh University, awarded to a
junior faculty member under 35 years of age ``for outstanding performance
in the service of the University and unusual promise of professional
2002 - 2004. Frank Hook Assistant Professorship, Lehigh University,
awarded to ``a junior scholar-teacher who also fosters personal interaction
and mentoring relationships with students''
2003. Best presentation in session, 2003 American Control Conference,
Denver, CO, June 2003.
Apr. 2004- Jun. 2004. Class of 1961 Associate Professor,
Lehigh University, awarded to "a recently tenured
Associate Professor for distinction in teaching, research
and service"
July 2004 - present. R. L. McCann Endowed Professorship
November 2007. Outstanding Young Research Award (age below 40 years),
Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) division of the AIChE, for
outstanding contributions to computing in chemical engineering
Sept. 2008. One of 82 participants (age 30-45 years)
selected to participate in the National Academy of Engineering's
14th annual U.S. Frontiers of Engineering Workshop,
Albuquerque, NM
B.1 Awards to Students
June 2000. Best presentation in session (Eric F. Mulder), 2000 American
Control Conference, Chicago, IL
Sept. 2000. Undergraduate Research Assistant Award from the Semiconductor
Research Corporation (Jake Towne, CHE junior summer research student)
Sept. 2000. Leonard Wenzel Award for best performance in
Ph.D. qualifying exam (Ashish V. Pattekar, shared with K. Al-Fadhel)
Sept. 2000. Leonard Wenzel Award for best performance in Ph.D. qualifying
exam (Khaled Al-Fadhel, shared with A. V. Pattekar)
Dec. 2000. Significant Contribution Award for the internship
at DuPont, Wilmington, DE Sep. 15 - Dec. 15, 2000.
Sept. 2001. Leonard Wenzel Award for best performance in Ph.D. qualifying
exam (Samrat Mukherjee, shared with G. Viecco)
May 2002. Finalist in the Best Student Paper Award category (Eric F.
Mulder), 2002 American Control Conference, Anchorage, AK, May 2002
May 2002. Best presentation in session (Eric F. Mulder), 2002 American
Control Conference, Anchorage, AK, May 2002
May 2002. Best presentation in session (Leyla Ozkan), 2002 American
Control Conference, Anchorage, AK, May 2002
April 2003. Lehigh University Engineering Ingenuity Award for Graduate
Research and Scholarship (Ashish Pattekar). Given to a graduate student
in the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science who has
excelled in the area of his or her chosen interest with unwavering dedication
and intellectual courage toward a definite goal in a most ambitious
pursuit of advanced research.
May 2003. Graduate Student Leadership Award (honorable
mention and cash award) (Ashish Pattekar) from the Lehigh
University Alumni Association to recognize a graduate
student for his exemplary scholarship, leadership, and
service to the university and the graduate student
Dec. 2003. PRIDE AT BOEING appreciation award
(A. Pattekar) from Boeing Lab for research during his summer internship with
NuElement, Inc. Alternative Energy Systems, Tacoma,WA on a
contract with Boeing.
Jan. 2004. Sigma Xi grant in aid of research (S. Mukherjee) one of few
engineers given this grant nationally for pursuing
independent graduate research.
April 2004. Lehigh University Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award (K. Alfadhel)
July 2004. Best presentation in session (L. Bleris), 2004 American Control Conference, Boston, MA.
Jan - Mar. 2005. Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy
Graduate Fellowship, U.S. National Academy of Sciences (L. Bleris),
Washington, DC
June 2005. Best presentation in session (L. Bleris), 2005 American Control Conference, Portland, OR
August 2005. Selected participant (L. Bleris), Siemens Technology-to-Business workshop,
(one of 10 participants from 100 international applicants), San Francisco, CA.
June 2006. Finalist in the Best Student Paper Award category
(co-authoring graduate student
Bert Pluymers from Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven), 2006
American Control Conference,
Minneapolis, MN
C. Publications and Creative Activities
C.1 Books
Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. Efficient Robust Model Predictive Control
via Convex Optimization: Efficiently Incorporating Robustness using Linear
Matrix Inequalities. VDM Verlag Dr Mόller, Germany, ISBN
978-3639086584, 2008.
(Buy from amazon.com
Click here )
C.1 Book Chapters
- Kothare, M. V. and Z. Wan. A Computationally Efficient
Scheduled Model Predictive Control Algorithm for Control of a Class of
Constrained Nonlinear Systems. In Assessment and Future
Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control , Springer Lecture
Notes in Control and Information Sciences Series (LNCIS),
R. Findeisen, F. Allgower, L. Biegler, editors, (2007).
- Kothare, M. V. Dynamics and Control Issues in
Micro-Power Generation Systems. In Chemical Micropower
Generation: Status and Opportunities, A. Mitsos, P. I. Barton
(editors), VCH-Wiley, (2008).
C.2 Refereed Journals Articles
- Zheng, A. Q., M. V. Kothare and M. Morari. Anti-Windup Design for
Internal Model Control. International Journal of Control, vol.
60(5), pp 1015-1024, (1994).
- Kothare, M. V., P. J. Campo, M. Morari and C. N. Nett. A Unified Framework
for the Study of Anti-Windup Designs. Automatica, vol. 30 (12),
pp 1869-1883, December (1994).
- Kothare, M. V., V. Balakrishnan and M. Morari. Robust Constrained
Model Predictive Control using Linear Matrix Inequalities. Automatica,
vol. 32 (10), pp 1361-1379, October (1996).
- Kothare, M. V., B. Mettler, M. Morari, P. Bendotti and C.-M. Falinower.
Linear Parameter Varying Model Predictive Control for Steam Generator
Level Control. Computers & Chemical Engineering, vol. 21S,
pp S861-S866 (1997).
- Kothare, M. V. and M. Morari. Multiplier Theory for Stability Analysis
of Anti-Windup Control Systems. Automatica, vol. 35 (5), pp 917-928,
May 1999.
- Kothare, M. V., B. Mettler, M. Morari, P. Bendotti and C.-M. Falinower.
Level Control in the Steam Generator of a Nuclear Power Plant. IEEE
Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 8 (1), pages 55-69,
January (2000).
- Mulder, E. F. and M. V. Kothare. A discussion of the paper ``A Performance
Criterion for Anti-Windup Compensators'' by A. Rantzer. European
Journal of Control, special issue on anti-windup control, vol. 6,
no. 5, May (2000).
- Mulder, E. F. and M. V. Kothare. A discussion of the paper ``A Performance
Criterion for Anti-Windup Compensators'' by A. Rantzer. European
Journal of Control, special issue on anti-windup control, vol. 6,
no. 5, May (2000).
- Mulder, E. F. and M. V. Kothare. A discussion of the paper ``Anti-Windup
and Model Predictive Control: Reflections and Connections'' by J. A.
De Dona, G. C. Goodwin and M. M. Seron. European Journal of Control,
special issue on anti-windup control, vol. 6, no. 5, May (2000).
- Mulder, E. F., M. V. Kothare and M. Morari. Multivariable Anti-Windup
Controller Synthesis using Bilinear Matrix Inequalities. European
Journal of Control, vol. 6, no. 5, pages 455-464, May (2000).
- Özkan, L., C. Georgakis and M. V. Kothare. Model Predictive Control
for Nonlinear Systems using Piecewise Linear Models. Computers &
Chemical Engineering, vol. 24 (2-7), pages 793-799, July (2000).
- Kothare, M. V., R. Shinnar, I. Rinard and M. Morari. On Defining the
Partial Control Problem: Concepts and Examples. AIChE Journal,
vol. 46(12), pages 2456-2474, December (2000).
- Mulder, E. F., M. V. Kothare and M. Morari. Multivariable Anti-Windup
Controller Synthesis using Linear Matrix Inequalities. Automatica,
vol. 37(9), pages 1407-1416, September (2001).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. Robust Output Feedback Model Predictive
Control using Off-line Linear Matrix Inequalities. Journal of Process
Control, vol. 12(7), 763-774, October (2002).
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. Novel Microfluidic Interconnectors
for High Temperature and Pressure Applications. Journal of Micromechanics
and Microengineering, vol. 13, pages 337-3`45, February (2003).
- Karnik, S. V., M. K. Hatalis and M. V. Kothare. Towards A Palladium
Micro-Membrane for the Water Gas Shift Reaction: Microfabrication Approach
and Hydrogren Purification Results. Journal of Microelectromechanical
Systems , vol. 12(1), pages 93-100, February (2003).
- Özkan, L., M. V. Kothare and C. Georgakis. Control of a Solution
Copolymerization Reactor Using Multi-Model Predictive Control. Chemical
Engineering Science, vol. 58(7), pages 1207-1221, April (2003).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. Efficient Scheduled Stabilizing Model Predictive
Control for Constrained Nonlinear Systems. International Journal
of Robust & Nonlinear Control, vol. 13 (3-4), pages 331-346,
March-April (2003).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. Efficient Robust Model Predictive Control
with Time Varying Terminal Constraint Sets. Systems & Control
Letters, vol. 48(5), pages 375-383, April (2003).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. An Efficient Off-Line Formulation of Robust
Model Predictive Control using Linear Matrix Inequalities, Automatica,
vol. 39(5), page 837-846, May (2003).
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. A Microreactor for Hydrogen Production
in Micro-Fuel Cell Applications. Journal of Microelectromechanical
Systems, vol. 13(1), pages 7-18, February (2004).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. Efficient Scheduled Stabilizing Output
Feedback Model Predictive Control for Constrained Nonlinear Systems.
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol 49(7),
pages 1172-1177,
July (2004).
- Bleris, L. and M. V. Kothare. Low-Order Empirical
Modeling of Distributed Parameter Systems Using Temporal
and Spatial Eigenfunctions. Computers & Chemical
Engineering , vol 29(4), pages 817-827, March (2005).
- Alfadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. Microfluidic Modeling
and Simulation of Flow in Membrane Microreactors.
Chemical Engineering Science , vol 60 (11), 2911-2926,
June (2005).
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. A Radial Microfluidic Fuel
Processor. Journal of Power Sources ,
vol. 147(1-2), pages 116-127, September (2005).
- Bleris, L. and M. V. Kothare. Reduced Order Distributed Boundary
Control of Thermal Transients in Microsystems. IEEE
Transactions on Control Systems Technology , vol 13
(6), pages 853-867, November (2005).
- Alfadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. Modeling of Multicomponent
Reactive Separations in Membrane
Microreactors. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry
Research, vol 44 (26), pages 9794-9804, December (2005).
- Bleris, L., J. Garcia, M. V. Kothare and M. G. Arnold. Towards
embedded Model Predictive Control for System-on-Chip
applications. Journal of Process Control , vol 16
(3), pages 255-264, March (2006).
- Özkan, L. and M. V. Kothare. Stability Analysis of a
Multi-Model Predictive Control algorithm with Application
to Control of Chemical Reactors. Journal of Process
Control , vol. 16 (2), pages 81-90, February (2006).
- Kothare, M. V. Dynamics and Control of Integrated Microchemical
Systems with application to micro-scale fuel
processing. Computers & Chemical Engineering,
volume 30 (10-12), pages 1725-1734, September (2006).
- Bleris, L. , J. Garcia, M. G. Arnold and M. V. Kothare. Model
Predictive Hydrodynamic Regulation of Microflows.
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering ,
vol. 16 (9), pages 1792-1799, September (2006).
- Wan, Z., B. Pluymer, M.V. Kothare and B. de Moor. Comments on:
``Efficient robust constrained model predictive control
with a time varying terminal constraint set'' by Wan and
Kothare, Systems & Control Letters , vol. 55, no. 7,
618-621, July (2006).
- Kothare, M. V. Book review: Process Modeling: Modeling,
Design and Simulation , IEEE Control Systems
Magazine, vol. 26(6), page 106-108, December (2006).
- Mukherjee, S., M. K. Hatalis and M. V. Kothare. Water gas shift
reaction in a glass microreactor. Catalysis Today
, vol. 120 (1), pages 107-120, January (2007).
- Bleris, L., P. D. Vouzis, M. G. Arnold and
M. V. Kothare. Pathways For Optimization-Based Drug Delivery Systems
and Devices. Control Engineering Practice , vol. 15(10),
pages 1280-1291, October (2007).
- Tiwari, P., E. F. Mulder and M. V. Kothare. Synthesis of
stabilizing anti-windup controllers using piecewise quadratic
Lyapunov functions. IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control, vol. 52 (12), 2341-2345, December (2007).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. A Framework for Design of Scheduled Output Feedback Model
Predictive. Journal of Process Control, , vol. 18 (3-4), pages
391-398, March-April (2008).
- Vouzis, P. D., L. Bleris, M. V. Kothare and M. G. Arnold. A
System-on-Chip implementation for Embedded Real-Time Model Predictive
Control. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems
Technology (to appear), December (2008).
- Tiwari, P., E. F. Mulder and M. V. Kothare. Simultaneous Linear and Anti-Windup
Controller Synthesis using Multiobjective Convex Optimization.
Automatica (to appear),
November (2008).
- Tilmanne, J., J. Urbaine, M. V. Kothare, A. Vande Wouver,
S. V. Kothare. Algorithms for Sleep-Wake Identification using
actigraphy: A Comparative Study and New Results. Journal of Sleep
Research (to appear) , December (2008).
C.3 Patents
1. Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. Microreactor and method of use
to produce hydrogen by methanol reforming. U.S. Patent
application number 10/742,004 Pub. App. No. 20040179980,
filed December (2003).
2. Kothare, M. V., M. G. Arnold, P. D. Vouzis, L. Bleris and
J. Garcia. Iterative Matrix Processor-based Implementation of
Real-Time Model Predictive Control. U.S. PTO patent application
serial number 60/862,236, filed October (2007).
C.4 Refereed Conference Proceedings
- Kothare, M. V., V. Balakrishnan and M. Morari. Robust Constrained
Model Predictive using Linear Matrix Inequalities. In Proceedings
of the 1994 American Control Conference, pages 440-444, Baltimore,
MD, June (1994).
- Kothare, M. V., V. Nevistic and M. Morari. Robust Constrained Model
Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems: A Comparative Study. In Proceedings
of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 2884-2885,
New Orleans, December (1995).
- Kothare, M. V. and M. Morari. Multiplier Theory for Stability Analysis
of Anti-Windup Control Systems. In Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control, pages 3767-3772, New Orleans, December
- Kothare, M. V. and M. Morari. Stability Analysis of Constrained Linear
Time-Invariant Systems. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Control,
Optimization and Supervision, pages 1032-1037, multiconference on
``Computational Engineering in Systems Applications'' sponsored by IMACS
and co-sponsored by IEEE-SMC, Lille, France, July 9-12 (1996).
- Kothare, M. V., B. Mettler, M. Morari, P. Bendotti and C.-M. Falinower.
Level Control in the Steam Generator of a Nuclear Power Plant. In Proceedings
of the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, pages 4851-4856,
Kobe, Japan, December (1996).
- Kaiser, O., R. Pfiffner, M. V. Kothare, F. J. Kraus, C. Rhodes and
M. Morari. Modeling and Robust Control of Active Noise Cancellation
Systems. In Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, pages 2355-2356, Kobe, Japan, December (1996).
- P. Bendotti, C.-M. Falinower, Kothare, M. V., B. Mettler and M. Morari.
\mu Analysis and Hinfinity-Controller Synthesis for the Steam Generator
Water Level. In Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control
Design, pages 501-506, Budapest, Hungary, June 25-27, (1997).
- Kothare, M. V., B. Mettler, M. Morari, P. Bendotti and C.-M. Falinower.
Linear Parameter Varying Model Predictive Control for Steam Generator
Level Control. In Proceedings of the European Symposium on Computer
Aided Process Engineering-7 (ESCAPE-7)/Process Systems Engineering'97
(PSE'97) (jointly organized), Trondheim, Norway (1997).
- Kothare, M. V. and M. Morari. Multivariable Anti-Windup Controller
Synthesis using Multiobjective Optimization. In Proceedings of the
1997 American Control Conference, pages 3093-3097, Albuquerque,
NM, June (1997).
- Kothare, M. V. and M. Morari. Stability Analysis of Anti-Windup Control
Systems: A Review and Some Generalizations. In Proceedings of the
3rd European Control Conference, vol. 6, Part B, Brussels, Belgium,
July (1997).
- Kothare, M. V., R. Shinnar, I. Rinard and M. Morari. On Defining the
Partial Control Problem: Concepts and Examples. In Proceedings of
the 1998 American Control Conference, pages 2103-2107, Philadelphia,
PA, June (1998).
- Kothare, M. V., M. Skliar, B. W. Bequette and A. Palazoglu. Emerging
Techniques in Process Control: A Critique. In Proceedings of the
1999 American Control Conference, pages 144-149, San Diego, CA,
June 2-4 (1999).
- Mulder, E. F., M. V. Kothare and M. Morari. Anti-windup Controller
Synthesis using Iterative Linear Matrix Inequalities. In Proceedings
of the 1999 European Control Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, August
31 - September 3 (1999).
- Mulder, E. F. and M. V. Kothare. Synthesis of Stabilizing Anti-Windup
Controllers using Piecewise Quadratic Lyapunov functions. In Proceedings
of the 2000 American Control Conference, pages 3239-3243, Chicago,
IL, June 28-30 (2000).
- Özkan, L., C. Georgakis and M. V. Kothare. Model Predictive Control
for Nonlinear Systems using Piecewise Linear Models. In Proceedings
of the 7th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering},
Keystone, CO, pages 793-799, July 16-21 (2000).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. A Computationally Efficient Formulation
of Robust Model Predictive Control using Linear Matrix Inequalities.
In Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Chemical Process Control
- CPC 6, pages 443-447, Tucson, AZ, January 7-12 (2001) (AIChE Symposium
series No. 328, Vol. 98 appeared in 2002).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. Robust Output Feedback Model Predictive
Control using off-line Linear Matrix Inequalities. In Proceedings
of the 2001 American Control Conference, pages 2406-2411, Arlington,
VA, June 25-27 (2001).
- Pattekar, A. V., M. V. Kothare, S. V. Karnik, M. K. Hatalis. A microreactor
for in-situ hydrogen production by catalytic methanol reforming. In
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Microreaction
Technology (IMRET 5), Strasbourg, France, May (2001).
- Karnik, S. V., M. K. Hatalis and M. V. Kothare. Palladium based Micro-Membrane
for Water Gas Shift Reaction and Hydrogen Gas Separation. In Proceedings
of the 5th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (IMRET
5), Strasbourg, France, May (2001).
- Karnik, S. V., H. X. Vo, M. K. Hatalis and M. V. Kothare. Polysilicon
diodes as temperature sensors for chemical microreaction systems. In
Proceedings of the 2001 International Semiconductor Device Research
Symposium, pages 174-177, Washington, DC, December (2001).
- Mulder, E. F. and M. V. Kothare. Static Anti-Windup Controller Synthesis
using Simultaneous Convex Design. In Proceedings of the 2002 American
Control Conference, pages 651-656, Anchorage, AK, May (2002).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. Computationally Efficient Scheduled Model
Predictive Control for Constrained Nonlinear Systems with Stability
Guarantees. In Proceedings of the 2002 American Control Conference,
pages 4487-4492, Anchorage, AK, May (2002).
- Özkan, L., M. V. Kothare and C. Georgakis. Control of a Solution
Co-polymerization Reactor using Piecewise Linear Models. In Proceedings
of the 2002 American Control Conference, pages 3864-3869, Anchorage,
AK, May (2002).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. Efficient Scheduled Stabilizing Output
Feedback Model Predictive Control for Constrained Nonlinear Systems.
Proceedings of the 2003 American Control Conference,
pages 489-494, Denver, CO, June (2003).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. A Two-Level Model Predictive Control Formulation
for Stabilization and Optimization. Proceedings of the 2003
American Control Conference, pages 5294-5299, Denver, CO, June (2003).
- Bleris, L. and M. V. Kothare. Model Based Control of Temperature Distribution
in Integrated Microchemical Systems. Proceedings of the 2003
American Control Conference, pages 1308-1313, Denver, CO, June (2003).
- Bleris, L. and M. V. Kothare. Finite Elements Method Simulations on
Microchannels for Control and Reduce Order Modelling Applications. Proceedings
of the First International Conference on Mathematics and Informatics
for Industry - MII2003, pages 163-169, Thessaloniki, Greece, May (2003).
- Alfadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. Membrane Microreactors: Modeling,
Design and Operability. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference
on Microreaction Technology (IMRET-7), Lausanne, Switzerland, September
- Mukherjee, S., M. K. Hatalis and M. V. Kothare. Hybrid Micro Membrane
Micro Reactor for in situ pure Hydrogen production. Proceedings of
the 7th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (IMRET-7),
Lausanne, Switzerland, September (2003).
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. Fuel processing microreactors for
hydrogen production in micro fuel cell applications. Proceedings
of the 7th International Conference on Microreaction Technology (IMRET-7),
Lausanne, Switzerland, September (2003).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. A Framework for Design of Scheduled Output
Feedback Model Predictive Control. Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium
on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM),
pages 71-76, Hong Kong, January (2004).
- Bleris, L. and M. V. Kothare. Boundary control of
thermal transients in microsystems using proper orthogonal
decomposition. Proceedings of the International Conference
of Influence of Traditional Mathematics and Mechanics on
Modern Science and Technology , Messini, Greece, May 24-28,
- Bleris, L and M. V. Kothare. Reduced order control in
Microchemical Systems. Proceedings of the 2004 American
Control Conference , pages 4225-4230, Boston, MA, June (2004).
- Grieder, P., Z. Wan, M. V. Kothare and
M. Morari. Two-level Model Predictive Control for the
Maximum Control Invariant Set. Proceedings of the 2004
American Control Conference , pages 1586-1591, Boston, MA, June (2004).
- Bleris, L., M. V. Kothare, J. Garcia, M. Arnold. Embedded Model
Predictive Control for System-on-Chip
Applications. Proceedings of the
7th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process
Systems (DYCOPS-7),
Boston, MA, July (2004).
- Garcia, J., M. G. Arnold, Bleris, L. G. and M. V. Kothare. LNS
Architectures for Embedded Model Predictive Control
Processor Proceedings of the 2004 International
Conference on Compilers, Architecture, and Synthesis for
Embedded Systems, Pages 79-84, Washington, DC,
September (2004).
- Kothare, M. V., A. V. Pattekar, K. A. Alfadhel, L. Bleris
and S. Mukherjee. Microreactors for Efficient On-Chip Fuel
Processing and Hydrogen Generation. Proceedings of the
Conference 5592 on Nanofabrication: Technologies, Devices
and Applications, Optics East, Philadelphia, PA,
October 25-28 (2004).
- Bleris, L. and M. V. Kothare. Entropy of Spatiotemporal
Data as a Dynamic Truncation Indicator for Model Reduction
Applications. Proceedings of the 2005 American Control
Conference , Portland, OR, June 8-10 (2005).
- Bleris, L. , J. Garcia and M. V. Kothare. Model
Predictive Hydrodynamic Regulation of Microflows.
Proceedings of the 2005 American Control Conference
, Portland, OR, June 8-10 (2005).
- Bleris, L. and M. V. Kothare. Real-Time Implementation of
Model Predictive Control. Proceedings of the 2005 American
Control Conference , Portland, OR, June 8-10 (2005).
- Alfadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. Micro-scale hydrogen
separation for low-medium power fuel cell applications.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Energy
Research & Development (ICERD -3) , Kuwait, November 21-23
- Alfadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. Palladium-based
Membrane Microreactor for Micro-fuel Cell Applications.
Proceedings of the Cairo 9th International Conference on
Energy and Environment , Cairo, Egypt, March 13-17
- Bleris, L. and M. V. Kothare. Real-Time Implementation of
Model Predictive Control. Proceedings of the 2005 American
Control Conference , pages 4166-4171, Portland, OR, June 8-10 (2005).
- Alfadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. Micro-scale hydrogen
separation for low-medium power fuel cell applications. Proceedings
of the 3rd International Conference on Energy Research
\& Development (ICERD -3), Kuwait, November 21-23 (2005).
- Bleris, L. G. and M. V. Kothare. Implementation of
Model Predictive Control for Glucose Regulation using a General
Purpose Microprocessor. Proceedings of the Joint 44th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference
CDC/ECC 2005, pages 5162-5167, Seville, Spain, December (2005).
- Kothare, M. V. Dynamics and Control of Integrated
Microchemical Systems with Application to Micro-scale Fuel
Processing. Proceedings of the 7th$ International
Conference on Chemical Process Control (CPC 7), Lake Louise,
Alberta, Canada, January (2006).
- Bleris, L. G., P. D. Vouzis, M. G. Arnold and
M. V. Kothare. Pathways for optimization-based drug delivery
systems and devices. Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on
Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM2006), pages 515-520,
Gramado, Brazil, April (2006).
- Bleris, L. G., P. D. Vouzis, M. G. Arnold and
M. V. Kothare. A Co-Processor FPGA Platform for the Implementation
of Real-Time Model Predictive Control. Proceedings of the 2006
American Control Conference, page 1912-1917, Minneapolis, MN, June
- Pluymers, B., M. V. Kothare, J. A. K. Suykens,
B. L. R. De Moor. Robust Synthesis of Constrained Linear State
Feedback Using LMIs and Polyhedral Invariant Sets. Proceedings of the
2006 American Control Conference, page 881-886, Minneapolis, MN,
June (2006).
- Vouzis, P. D., L. G. Bleris, M. G. Arnold,
M. V. Kothare. A Custom-made Algorithm-Specific Processor for Model
Predictive Control. Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International
Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE'06), Montreal, Canada,
July 9-13 (2006).
- Vouzis, P. D., M. G. Arnold, L. G. Bleris, M. Kothare, Y.
Cha. A Coprocessor Accelerator for Model Predictive Control,
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Optimization for DSP and
Embedded Systems, pp. 76-77, San Jose, CA, March 11 (2007).
- Tiwari, P., E. F. Mulder and
M. V. Kothare. Multivariable anti-windup controller synthesis
incorporating multiple convex constraints. Proceedings of the
2007 American Control Conference, pages 5212-5217, New York, NY,
July 11-13 (2007).
- Vouzis, P. D., S. Collange, M. Arnold and
M. V. Kothare. Monte Carlo Logarithmic Number System for Model
Predictive Control, 17th International Conference on Field
Programmable Logic and Applications, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 27-29
August (2007).
- Kulkarni, V. V., M. V. Kothare and M. G. Safonov.
Stabilizing Anti-Windup Controllers for Power Allocation in Cellular
Networks. Proceedings of the 2008 American Control Conference,
Seattle, WA June 11-13 (2008).
- Tiwari, P. and M. V. Kothare. Model Predictive Control
of Cyclic Systems Using Linear Matrix Inequalities. Proceedings of the
2008 American Control Conference , Seattle, WA, June 11-13
C.5 Refereed Abstracts
- Zheng, A. Q., M. V. Kothare and M. Morari. Anti-Windup Design for
Internal Model Control. In the 1993 AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts,
St. Louis, MO, November (1993).
- Kothare, M. V., P. J. Campo, M. Morari and C. N. Nett. A Unified Framework
for the Study of Anti-Windup Designs. In the 1993 AIChE Annual Meeting
Abstracts, St. Louis, MO, November (1993).
- Kothare, M. V., P. J. Campo, M. Morari and C. N. Nett. Stability and
Robustness Analysis of Anti-Windup Control Systems. In the1994 AIChE
Annual Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, November (1994).
- Kothare, M. V., V. Nevistic and M. Morari. Robust Control of Nonlinear
Systems: A Comparative Study. In the 1995 AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts,
Miami, Fl, November (1995).
- Kothare, M. V., B. Mettler, M. Morari, P. Bendotti and C.-M. Falinower.
Level Control in the Steam Generator of a Nuclear Power Plant. In the1996
AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts, Chicago, IL, November (1996).
- Kothare, M. V., R. Shinnar, I. Rinard and M. Morari. Controlling Complex
Chemical Processes using Partial Control Techniques. In the 1998
AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts, Miami, FL, November (1998).
- Mulder, E. F. and M. V. Kothare. Multivariable Anti-Windup Controller
Synthesis using Linear Matrix Inequalities. In the Third Midwest
Process Control Workshop Abstracts, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Il,
May 17 (1999).
- Özkan, L., C. Georgakis and M. V. Kothare. Adaptive Control of
a Nonlinear Process with Multiple Models. In the1999 AIChE Annual
Meeting Abstracts, Dallas, TX, November (1999).
- Mulder, E. F., M. V. Kothare and M. Morari. Multivariable Anti-Windup
Controller Synthesis using Linear Matrix Inequalities. In the 1999
AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts, Dallas, TX, November (1999).
- Karnik, S. V., M. K. Hatalis and M. V. Kothare. Issues involved in
the fabrication of a Palladium based micro-membrane for hydrogen gas
separation. In the 2000 AIChE Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA,
November (2000).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. Robust Output Feedback Model Predictive
Control using Linear Matrix Inequalities. In the 2000 AIChE Annual
Meeting Abstracts, Los Angeles, CA, November (2000).
- Mulder, E. F. and M. V. Kothare. Multivariable Anti-Windup Controller
Synthesis using Piecewise Quadratic Lyapunov functions. In the 2000
AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts, Los Angeles, CA, November (2000).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. A Computationally Efficient MPC algorithm
for LPV systems. In the 2001 AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts,
Reno, Nevada, November (2001).
- Mulder, E. F. and M. V. Kothare. Application of Piecewise Quadratic
Lyapunov Functions in Optimal Anti-windup Controller Synthesis. In the
2001 AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts, Reno, Nevada, November (2001).
- Karnik, S. V., M. K. Hatalis and M. V. Kothare. Palladium based micro-membrane
hydrogen gas separator-reactor in a miniature fuel processor for micro
fuel cells. In the abstracts of the Fall 2001 Meeting of the Materials
Research Society, Boston, Massachusetts, November 26-30 (2001).
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. Modeling, design and control of
silicon based microchemical systems. In the 2002 AIChE Annual Meeting
Abstracts, Indianpolis, IN, November (2002).
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. Design and fabrication of a microreactor
for hydrogen production by catalytic methanol reforming. In the 2002
AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts, Indianpolis, IN, November (2002).
- Alfadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. Modeling of Multicomponent Concentration
Profiles in Membrane Microreactors. In the 2002 AIChE Annual Meeting
Abstracts, Indianpolis, IN, November (2002).
- Wan, Z. and M. V. Kothare. Efficient Scheduled Stabilizing Output
Feedback Model Predictive Control for Constrained Nonlinear Systems.
In the 2002 AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts, Indianpolis, IN,
November (2002).
- Mukherjee, S., M. K. Hatalis and M. V. Kothare. A Novel Micro-Membrane
Reactor for Fuel Cell Application. In the 2002 AIChE Annual Meeting
Abstracts, Indianpolis, IN, November (2002).
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. A Microreactor for In-Situ Hydrogen
Production by Catalytic Steam Reforming of Methanol. Abstracts of the
2002 Cornell Nanofabrication Facility Annual Meeting &Career
Fair, September 23-24, 2002.
- Mukherjee, S. and M. V. Kothare. Membrane Microreactor
for Micro-fuel Cell Applications. 2003 Cornell
Nanofabrication Facility Annual Meeting & Career Fair,
September, 2003.
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. Integrated microchemical systems
for fuel processing in micro fuel cell applications. In the 2003
AIChE Annual Meeting,
San Francisco, CA, November (2003).
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. Miniature Fuel Processors and
Fuel Cells for Portable Power: Industry Trends and Potential
Applications. In the 2003 Annual Meeting of the American
Institute of Chemical Engineering, San Francisco, CA,
November (2003).
- Bleris, L. and M. V. Kothare. Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Based
Control of Fluid Flow in Microchemical Systems. In
the 2003 AIChE Annual Meeting , San Francisco,
CA, November (2003).
- Al-Fadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. Modeling and
Simulation of Membrane Microseparators. In the 2003
AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November (2003).
- Al-Fadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. Membrane
Microreactors: Modeling, Design and Operability. In
the 2003 AIChE Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November (2003).
- Wan, Z., M. V. Kothare, L. Jiang, V. de la Torre, L. T. Biegler, J.
A. Mandler, B. E. Herb, V. G. Fox and M. M. Daichendt. Dynamics and
Control of Cyclic Operations in Pressure Swing
Adsorption. In the 2003 AIChE Annual Meeting ,
San Francisco, CA, November (2003).
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. Fuel processing
microreactors for hydrogen production in micro-fuel cell
applications. Extended Abstracts of the 2003 Fuel Cell
Seminar: Fuel Cells for a Secure, Sustainable Energy,
Miami Beach, FL, November 3-6 (2003).
- Bleris, L. and M. V. Kothare. Efficient empirical
modeling of distributed parameter systems. In the 2004
AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts, Austin, TX, November
- Bleris, L. G., Garcia, J., M. Arnold and
M. V. Kothare. Embedding Model
Predictive Control for Microchemical Systems. In the
2004 AIChE Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, November 2004.
- Pattekar, A. V. and M. V. Kothare. A high-throughput
radial packed-bed micro fuel processor for portable power
applications. In 2004 AIChE Annual Meeting Abstracts ,
Austin, TX, November (2004).
- Alfadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. The Energy Equation in
Microchemical Systems. In 2004 AIChE Annual Meeting
Abstracts , Austin, TX, November (2004).
- Mukherjee, S., M. K. Hatalis and M. V. Kothare. Novel Glass
Micro-reactor for Water Gas Shift Reaction Characterization. 2005
AIChE Spring Meeting, pages 2941-2942, Atlanta, GA, March (2005).
- Alfadhel, K. A. and M. V. Kothare. Transport Phenomena
Applicable to Microchemical Systems. 2005 AIChE Spring Meeting,
pages 2971-2972, Atlanta, GA, March (2005).
- Mukherjee, S., M. K. Hatalis and M. V. Kothare. Compact
Glass Microreactors for Hydrogen Purification. In the 19th North
American Catalysis Society Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November
- Vouzis, P., Bleris, L. G., Kothare M. V.,
M. G. Arnold. Towards a Co-design Implementation of a System for Model
Predictive Control. 2005 AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH,
November (2005).
- Bleris, L. G. and M. V. Kothare. A General Purpose Processor
Implementation of MPC for Insulin Delivery Devices. 2005 AIChE
Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, November (2005).
- Tiwari, P, E. F. Mulder and M. V. Kothare. Static
Anti-Windup Controller Synthesis Using Simulations Convex Design,
2005 AIChE Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, November (2005).
- Bleris, L. G., P. D. Vouzis, M. V. Kothare and
M. G. Arnold. Model Predictive Control for embedded applications.
2006 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November (2006).
- Vouzis, P. D., M. V. Kothare and M. G. Arnold. Evaluating
robustness of embedded Model Predictive Control using Monte Carlo
simulations. 2006 AIChE Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA,
November (2006).
- Tilmanne, J., J. Urbaine, A. Vande Wouver, M. V. Kothare,
S. V. Kothare. Algorithms for Sleep-Wake Identification using
actigraphy: A Comparative Study and New Results. SLEEP 2007 21st
Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies,
abstract \#1024, Minneapolis, MN, June 9-14 (2007).
- Tiwari, P. and M. V. Kothare. Model Predictive Control Of
Cyclic Systems Using Linear Matrix Inequalities. 2007 AIChE
Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November (2007).
- Vouzis, P., M. G. Arnold and M. V. Kothare. Arithmetic
Characterization Of Model Predictive Control Using Monte Carlo
Arithmetic. 2007 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake
City, UT, November (2007).
- C. Siew-Wah, M. V. Kothare and S. Sircar. Feasibility
Study of Miniature Oxygen Concentrator Via Pressure Swing
Adsorption. 2008 AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA,
November (2008).
C.6 Unrefereed Technical Reports
- Zheng, A., M. V. Kothare and M. Morari. Anti-Windup Design for Internal
Model Control. Technical report No. CIT-CDS 93-007, Control and Dynamical
Systems, California Institute of Technology (www.cds.caltech.edu/reports)
- Kothare, M. V., M. Morari, P. J. Campo and C. N. Nett. A Unified Framework
for the Study of Anti-Windup Designs. Technical report No. CIT/CDS 93-011,
Control and Dynamical Systems, California Institute of Technology (www.cds.caltech.edu/reports)
- Kothare, M. V., V. Balakrishnan and M. Morari. Robust Constrained
Model Predictive Control using Linear Matrix Inequalities. Technical
report No. CIT/CDS 95-011, Control and Dynamical Systems, California
Institute of Technology (www.cds.caltech.edu/reports) (1995).
- Kothare, M. V. and M. Morari. Multiplier Theory for Stability Analysis
of Anti-Windup Control Systems. Technical report No. CIT/CDS 96-012,
Control and Dynamical Systems, California Institute of Technology (www.cds.caltech.edu/reports)
- Kothare, M. V. Control of Systems Subject to Constraints. Technical
report No. CIT/CDS 97-005, Control and Dynamical Systems, California
Institute of Technology (www.cds.caltech.edu/reports) (1997).
- Kothare, M. V., V. Nevistic and M. Morari. Robust Constrained Model
Predictive Control for Nonlinear Systems: A Comparative Study. Technical
report No. AUT95-13, Automatic Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH) (aut.ethz.ch) (1995).
- Kothare, M. V., V. Balakrishnan and M. Morari. Robust Constrained
Model Predictive Control using Linear Matrix Inequalities. Technical
report No. AUT95-02, Automatic Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH) (aut.ethz.ch) (1995).
- Kothare, M. V. and M. Morari. Multiplier Theory for Stability Analysis
of Anti-Windup Control Systems. Technical report No. AUT96-08, Automatic
Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) (aut.ethz.ch)
- Kothare, M. V., B. Mettler, M. Morari, P. Bendotti and C-M. Falinower.
Level Control in the Steam Generator of a Nuclear Power Plant. Technical
report No. AUT97-10, Automatic Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH) (aut.ethz.ch) (1997).
- Kothare, M. V. Control of Systems Subject to Constraints. Technical
report No. AUT97-09, Automatic Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH) (aut.ethz.ch) (1997). Mulder, E. F., M. V. Kothare
and M. Morari. Multivariable Anti-Windup Controller Synthesis Using
Linear Matrix
Inequalities. Technical report No. AUT99-17, Automatic Control Laboratory,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) (aut.ethz.ch) (1999).
- Mulder, E. F., M. V. Kothare and M. Morari. Multivariable Anti-Windup
Controller Synthesis Using Bilinear Matrix Inequalities. Technical report
No. AUT00-18, Automatic Control Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH) (aut.ethz.ch) (2000).
D. Invited Seminars
D.1 Plenary/Keynote Lectures
- Oct. 1997. Perspectives in Constrained Process Control:
Theory and Practice Plenary speaker at the 26th
Industrial Advisory Committee Meeting of the Chemical Process
Modeling and Control Research Center, Lehigh University
- Jan. 2004. A Framework for Scheduled Output Feedback Model
Predictive Control for Constrained Nonlinear Systems, invited
semi-plenary lecture at the 7th IFAC Symposium on Advanced
Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), Hong Kong
- Mar. 2005. Synthesis of Controllers for Constrained
Systems, plenary talk at the 24th Annual Benelux
(Belgium-Netherlands-Luxembourg) national meeting on Systems and
Control, Houffalize, Belgium
- Mar. 2005. Dynamics and Control of Integrated Microchemical
Systems, plenary talk at the 24th Annual Benelux
(Belgium-Netherlands-Luxembourg) national meeting on Systems
and Control, Houffalize, Belgium
- Jan. 2006. Dynamics and Control of Integrated Microchemical
Systems, invited keynote at the 7th Conference on Chemical
Process Control (CPC7), Lake Louise, Alberta, Canada
- May 2007. Linear Matrix Inequalities in Chemical Process
Control, Invited keynote/featured speaker, 2007 Advanced Process
Control workshop, Vancouver, BC, Canada
D.2 Invited Seminars
- Oct. 1993. A Unified Framework for the Study of Anti-Windup Control
Systems, Control and Dynamical Systems, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena
- Mar. 1995. Robust Constrained Model Predictive Control using Linear
Inequalities, Institut für Automatik, Swiss Federal Institute
of Technology (ETH),
Zürich, Switzerland
- Dec. 1996. Constrained Control of Linear Systems. Institut für
Automatik, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich,
- Mar. 1997. Control of Constrained Systems, Dept. of Chem. Eng.,
City College
of New York, New York, NY
- Oct. 1999. Perspectives in Constrained Process Control: Theory and
Practice, Dept. of Chem. Eng. seminar series, Lehigh University.
- Mar. 2000. Constrained Process Control: Theory and Practice,
Dept. of Mech. Eng. seminar series, Lehigh University
- Apr. 2000 Some Research Problems in Constrained Process Control
and Integrated Microchemical Systems. Invited speaker at
the 15th anniversary meeting of the Chemical Process Modeling and Control
Research Center,
Lehigh Univ.
- May 2000. An Integrated Chemical Reforming Microplant for Fuel Cell
Applications `, National Science Foundation ``Engineering Microsystems
- XYZ on a Chip" grantees workshop, Washington, DC
- Sept. 2000. Chemical Microplant on a Chip: Miniature Fuel Processing
Portable Power, kick-off meeting of the grantees of the Pittsburgh
Greenhouse, Pittsburgh, PA
- May 2001. Some research problems in constrained process control
and integrated microchemical systems, Process Control Group, Department
of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware
- July 2001. Smart Microchemical Plant-on-Chip for High
Performance MicroscalePortable Power, annual review and kick-off
meeting of the grantees of the Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse,
Pittsburgh, PA
- Sept. 2001. Research in Linear Matrix Inequalities and Integrated
Microchemical Systems, ExxonMobil Chemical Company, Baytown, Texas
- Sept. 2001. Integrated Microchemical Systems: Chemical ``Plant-on-chip'',
fall'2001, colloquium of the Retired University Faculty (RUF), Lehigh
- Aug. 2002. Smart Microchemical Plant-on-Chip for High Performance
Microscale Portable Power, final review meeting of the grantees
of the Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse, Pittsburgh, PA
- Oct. 2002. Issues in Micro and Nano-scale Power Devices, Pennsylvania
Nanotechnology 2002, invited panelist in the panel``Nanotechnology Needs
for the Energy and Environment'', Harrisburg, PA
- Oct. 2002. Linear Matrix Inequalities in Systems and Control. Optimization
Seminar Series, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Lehigh
University, Bethlehem, PA.
- April 2003. Analysis and Synthesis of Feedback Controllers for
Actuator Limited Multivariable Systems, Department of Mathematics
Colloquium, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.
- May 2003. Fuel Processing Microreactors for Hydrogen Production by
Methanol Reforming , The Knowledge Foundation's 5th International
Symposium ``Small Fuel Cells 2003'', Small Fuel Cells for Portable Power
Applications, New Orleans, LA (with A. Pattekar).
- Oct. 2003. Integrated Microchemical Systems with
Applications in Micro-Reforming . Corning Incorporated Corporate
Technology Office, Corning, NY
- Nov. 2003. Integrated Microchemical Systems with
Applications in Micro-Reforming . Department of Chemical
Engineering, City College of the City University of New York,
- Feb. 2004. Integrated Microchemical Systems . Group
presentation at the New Jersey Center for Microchemical
Systems, Steven Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
- Feb. 2004. A Framework for Design of Scheduled Model Predictive
Control for Constrained Nonlinear Systems, DuPont, Wilmington,
- Sept. 2004. High Performance Embedded Model Predictive Control
System-on-Chip, kick-off meeting of the grantees of the
Pittsburgh Digital Greenhouse, Pittsburgh, PA.
- July 2005. Control and Dynamical Systems Research at Lehigh
University, Petrobras,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Aug. 2005. Efficient Scheduled Stabilizing Model Predictive
Control for Constrained Nonlinear Systems , invited talk
at the International Workshop on Assessment and Future
Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control,
Freudenstadt-Lauterbad, Germany
- Sept. 2005. Integrated Microchemical Systems with
Application to Micro-Scale Fuel
Processing, Department of Chemical Engineering, Ecole
Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
- Oct. 2005. Integrated Microchemical Systems with Application
to Micro-Scale Fuel Processing, Department of Chemical and
Petroleum Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, PA
- Nov. 2005. Synthesis of Controllers for Constrained
Systems, Robotics, Mechatronics and Control Colloquium,
(jointly with Dept. of Aero,ME, EE and CHE), University of
Washington, Seattle, WA
- Jan. 2006. Synthesis of Controllers for Constrained
Systems, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of
Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
- May 2006. Efficient Scheduled Model Predictive Control for
Constrained Nonlinear Systems, invited talk at the NSF
workshop on ``Mathematical Modeling and Control of Plasmas in
Magnetic Fusion''
- May 2006. Dynamics and Control of Integrated Microchemical
Systems with Application to Micro-Scale Fuel Reforming,
Department of Chemical Engineering, U. of California, Santa
Barbara, CA
- April 2007. Dynamics and Control of Integrated Microchemical
Systems with Application to Micro-Scale Fuel Reforming, GE
Water and Process Technology, Trevose, PA
E. Research Advising and Supervision
E.1 Current Graduate Students
- Chai Siew-Wah. Anticipated Ph.D. in June 2011. Thesis
title: Micro-pressure swing adsorption for high purity
oxygen production, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Lehigh University
- Gautam Kumar. Anticipated Ph.D. in June 2011. Thesis
title: Optimal Control of Stochastic Systems, Department of
Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University
E.2 Past Postdoctoral Scholar supervised
- Dr. Jesus Garcia (Ph.D. in Computer Science from Lehigh
University, August - December 2004, jointly with Prof. M. Arnold).
E.3 Visiting Faculty
- Professor H. Wang, East China University of Science and Technology, Department of Automation, May -
September 2006.
E.4 Graduated Students
E.4.1 Ph.D. Level
- Eric F. Mulder. Ph.D. in June 2002. Thesis title: Synthesis of
Actuator Limited Multivariable Control Systems, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Lehigh University.
Affiliation after graduation: Assistant
Professor, Universidad San Francisco de Quito,
Ecuador. Current Affiliation: ExxonMobil
Chemical Company, Baytown, TX.
- Leyla Özkan. Ph.D. in September 2002. Transition Control Techniques
in Nonlinear Process Control, Department of Chemical Engineering,
Lehigh University.
Affiliation after graduation: Post-doctoral
research associate, University of New Castle,
UK. Current Affiliation : IPCOS, Netherlands
- Sooraj Karnik. Ph.D. in June 2002. Materials and Design Issues
in Engineering Microsystems. Department of Electrical Engineering,
University. Current
affiliation: INTEL, Portland, OR
- Zhaoyang Wan. Ph.D. in June 2003. Thesis title: Efficient Model
Predictive Control via Convex Optimization, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Lehigh University.
Current affiliation: GE
Betz, Trevose, PA.
- Ashish V. Pattekar. Ph.D. in August 2004. Thesis title:
Integrated Microchemical Systems for Methanol Reforming. Department
of Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University.
Affiliation after graduation : Nu Element Inc.,
Tacoma, WA. Current Affiliation : Palo
Alto Research Center (Xerox), CA
- Khaled Al-Fadhel. Ph.D. in December 2004. Thesis
title: Mathematical Modeling of Integrated
Microchemical Systems, Department
of Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University.
affiliation Assistant Professor, Kuwait
- Leonidas Bleris. Ph.D. in March 2006. Thesis title:
Dynamics and Control of Integrated Microchemical
Systems: From Practical Theoretical Approaches to Model
Predictive Control On-A-Chip., Department
of Electrical Engineering, Lehigh University
affiliation: Postdoc, Harvard U., FAS Center for
Systems Biology
- Samrat Mukherjee. Ph.D. in December 2006. Thesis title:
Integrated Microchemical Systems for processing Methanol
Reformer effluents for Portable Fuel Cell Applications,
Department of Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University
affiliation: Bayer Corporation, Baytown, TX
- Panagiotis Vouzis (joint with M. Arnold,Comp. Sci.). Ph.D. in
March 2008. Thesis title: Cotransformation for the Logarithmic Number
System with application to Model Predictive Control, Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, Lehigh University
affiliation: Postoc, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
- Pradeep Tiwari. Ph.D. in June 2008. Thesis title: Convex Optimal
Control of Constrained and Periodic Systems, Department of
Chemical Engineering, Lehigh University
affiliation: Bayer Corporation, Baytown, TX
E.4.2 M.S. Level
- Khaled Al-Fadhel. M.S.. in June 2001. Thesis title: Analytical
Approaches to Multicomponent Diffusion and the 3D Navier-Stokes (NS)
equations for Flow in Isothermal Microseparators, Department of Chemical
Engineering, Lehigh University.
- Paul Gillain, visiting student from Faculte Polytechnic
Mons, Belgium. Diploma in June 2005. Thesis title: Actigraphy and
its Capabilities for Studying Sleep.
- Joelle Tilmanne, visiting students from Faculte Polytechnic
Mons, Belgium. Diploma in June (2006). Thesis title: Automatic
sleep/wake scoring using actigraphy: A comparative study of different
scoring algorithms including the use of neural networks and decision
trees. .
- Jerome Urbaine, visiting students from Faculte Polytechnic
Mons, Belgium. Diploma in June (2006). Thesis title: Automatic
sleep/wake scoring using actigraphy: A comparative study of different
scoring algorithms including the use of neural networks and decision
trees. .
E.5 Undergraduate Research Supervision
- Simon Bailey and Brian Pennock. Hot Liquid Process Simulator. Opportunities
for Student Innovation (OSI) project final report, May (1999). B.S.
in Chemical Engineering, U. of Nottigham, UK and Lehigh University respectively.
- Jake Towne. Summer Research on ``An Integrated Chemical Reforming
Microplant for Fuel Cell Applications''. Research Experience for Undergraduates
(REU) summer research report submitted to the
National Science Foundation, August (2000). B.S. in Chemical Engineering,
Lehigh University, 2001.
- Joshua Tilghman and Mobolaji Kamson. Test fixture for microfluidic
interfacing with integrated microchemical systems. Semester research
progress report, Fall 2000 and Spring 2001. B.S. in Chemical Engineering,
Lehigh U., 2001.
- James Wertman (CHE, Carnegie Mellon University). Summer Research on
``Microfluidic Interfacing and Catalysis Issues in a Methanol Microreformer''.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) summer research report
submitted to the National Science Foundation, August (2001). B.S. in
Carnegie Mellon University, 2003.
- Aaron Greiner. Micro-thermal Heat Transfer Issues in Methanol Micro-reformers
for Micro-fuel Cell Applications. Opportunities for Student Innovation
(OSI) project final report, May (2002). B.S. in Chemical Engineering,
Lehigh U., 2002.
- Tillus Beverly. Integration of a Hydrogen micro-fuel cell with a micro-reformer:
Performance Evaluation and Characterization. Opportunities for Student
Innovation (OSI) project final report, May (2003). B.S. in Chemical
Engineering, Lehigh U., 2003.
- Stephanie Brown and Joseph Colangelo. Scale effects in
reactions kinetics. Opportunities for Student Innovation (OSI)
project final report, May (2004). B. S. in Chemical Engineering, Lehigh U., 2004.
- James Reebel and Jonathan Sawoska. Micro-Solid Oxide Fuel
Cell Feasibility Study. Opportunities for Student Innovation
(OSI) project final report, May (2004). B. S. in Chemical
Engineering, Lehigh U., 2004.
- Nathan Tilghman. Comparison of Algorithms to Score
Sleep/Wake Behaviors: A First Glance. Independent semester
research report, May (2004). B. S. in Chemical Engineering,
Lehigh U., 2005.
- Choon Foo and Katherine Newman. Feasiblity of Micro-Solid
Oxide Fuel Cell. Opportunities for Student Innovation
(OSI) project final report, May (2005). B. S. in Chemical
Engineering, Lehigh U., 2005.
- Jeremy Eberhardt. Actigraphy for sleep monitoring.
Independent semester research report, December (2004). B. S. in
Chemical Engineering, Lehigh U., 2005.
- Choon Foo and Katherine Newman. Feasibility of Micro-Solid
Oxide Fuel Cells. Opportunities for Student Innovation
(OSI) project final report, May (2005).
- Mark McCaulley. Wireless Electroencephalogram (EEG)
Monitoring for Sleep Disorder Patient. Final report in Bioengineering,
May (2006).
- Brian Doyle and Mike Markowski. Identification of Sleep and
Wake using Partial Least Squares. Opportunities for Student Innovation
(OSI) project final report, May (2007).
- Michael Stern and Phil Bresnahan. Low Volume Toxic Metal
Detection in Waste Water Using HIM. Opportunities for Student
Innovation (OSI) project final report, May (2008).
F. Service
F.1 Service to University
1999 - 2002. University Committee on Discipline
2004 - present. Lehigh University Research Council
2005 - present. Lehigh U. junior faculty mentoring group
2005 Provost's committee for evaluating endowed professor nominations
2005 - 2006. Vice Provost for Research committee on promotion evaluation for research staff
F.2 Service to College
Jan. 2002 - present. Member, College CAREER Award Mentors Committee
April 2002 - present. Member, U.S. News and World Reports committee on
engineering ranking
May 2003 - present. Faculty Fellow for assisting junior faculty in the
Oct. 2003 - April 2004. Member of Mechanical Eng. Faculty Search
Oct. - Dec. 2004. Member, College Dean Search Committee
Jan. 2006 - present. Member, Dean's Advisory Council in Science
and Engineering
F.3 Service to Interdisciplinary Programs
Jan. 2002 - present. Co-director, Chemical Process Modeling and
Control Research Center, an interdisciplinary Center conducting
research in systems and control
F.4 Service to Department
1998 - present. Member, Chemical Engineering Computer Classroom Committee
1998 - present. Member, Chemical Engineering Graduate Affairs Committee
2000 - present. Member, Chemical Engineering Curriculum Evaluation and
Task Force Committee
2001 - present. Member, Chemical Engineering Faculty Search Commitee
2001 - present. Member, Chemical Engineering Rathbone Awards Committee
2002 - present. Member, Chemical Engineering Undergraduate Recruitment
2003 - 2004. Seminar co-ordinator for Chemical Engineering.
2006 - present. Departmental long range planning committee
2006 - present. Departmental awards committee
2006 - 2008. AIChE Student Chapter advisor
F.5 Professional Service
F5.1 Peer Reviews
1993- present. Technical reviewer for Automatica, AIChE J., J. of Proc.
Cont., IEEE Trans.Auto. Cont., IEEE Trans. Cont. Sys. Tech., Comput. &
Chem. Eng., Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Int. J. Cont., Int. J. Rob. Nonlin.
Cont., Int. Fed. Auto. Cont. (IFAC), IEEE Cont. Sys. Soc., J. of the Franklin
1998 - present. Book reviewer for the Soc. for Ind. & App. Math.
F5.2 Editorial Appointments
F5.2.1 Journals
2003- present. Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.
2006- present. Associate Editor, Automatica
F5.2.2 Conferences
2001 - present. Associate Editor, Conference Editorial Board of the IEEE
Control Systems Society
2001. Associate Editor, 2001 IEEE Conference on Decision and
2001. Associate Editor, 2002 American Control Conference
(reviews completed in 2001)
2001. International Program Committee Member, 6th IFAC Symposium
on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS-6), Jejudo Island,
2002. Associate Editor, 2002 IEEE Conference on Decision and
Jan. 2003. Symposium Committee Member, International Symposium on Process
Systems Engineering and Control (ISPSEC'03) for Productivity Enhancement
through Design and Optimization, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
2003-2004. National Organizing Committee for Dynamics and Control of
Process Systems (DYCOPS-7), Boston, MA, July 5-8, 2004.
2003. Associate Editor, 2003 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
2005. Associate Editor, 2005 IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control and European Control Conference (jointly organized)
2005. Associate Editor, 2006 American Control Conference
2005-2006. International Program Committee Member and Program
Co-Chair for Technical Area ``Modeling and Identification'', International Symposium on
Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2006), Gramado, Brazil,2006
2006. Associate Editor, 2006 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
2008. Program co-ordinator, CAST10B (Systems and Process Control)
division of the AIChE
2008. AIChE Society Review Chair, 2008 American Control
2008. Webcast chair, Computing & Systems Technology (CAST)
division of AIChE.
F5.3 National Panels
1999. Panel reviewer for the National Science Foundation
2000. Panel reviewer for the National Science Foundation
1999 - present. Reviewer of regular proposals submitted to
the National Science Foundation
2001. Reviewer for the American Chemical Society's Petroleum Research
2003. Panel reviewer, National Science Foundation.
2004. Panel reviewer, National Science Foundation.
2005. Panel reviewer, National Science Foundation.
2006. Panel reviewer, National Science Foundation.
2007. Panel reviewer, National Science Foundation.
2008. Panel reviewer, National Science Foundation.
F5.4 Sessions Organized/Chaired
- Kothare, M. V. (session organizer and chair) and M. Morari (co-chair).
Control of Systems Subject to Input and Output Constraints. Invited
session at the 1997 American Control Conference, Albuquerque,
NM, (June 1997).
- Kothare, M. V. (session organizer and chair) and M. Skliar (co-chair).
Emerging Techniques in Process Control. Invited session at the 1999
American Control Conference, San Diego, CA, June 2-4, 1999.
- Kothare, M. V. (chair) and A. N. Michel (co-chair). Nonlinear Discrete
Time Robustness. Regular session at the 1999 American Control Conference,
San Diego, CA, June (1999).
- Kothare, M. V. (session organizer and chair) and K. R. Muske (co-chair).
Linear Matrix Inequalities in Process Control. Invited session at the
2000 American Control Conference, Chicago, IL, June 28-30, 2000.
- Manousiothakis, V. (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Advances
in Process Control. Regular session at the 2000 AIChE Annual Meeting,
Los Angeles, CA, November (2000).
- Kothare, M. V. (session organizer and chair) and E. S. Meadows (co-chair).
Multi-Model Techniques in Nonlinear Process Control. Invited session
at the 2001 American Control Conference, Arlington, VA, June
25-27, 2001.
- Crisalle, O. (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Control of Semi-Conductor
Manufacturing Processes. Regular session at the 2001 AIChE Annual
Meeting, Reno, Nevada, November (2001).
- Allgöwer, F. (chair) and M. V. Kothare (session organizer and
co-chair). Recent Advances in Model Predictive Control. Invited session
at the 2002 American Control Conference, Anchorage, AK, May 2002.
- Teel, A. R. (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Anti-windup and
saturated control. Regular session at the 2002 American Control Conference,
Anchorage, Alaska, May 2002.
- Kothare, M. V. (session organizer and chair) and F. Allgöwer
(co-chair). Computationally Efficient Formulations of Model Predictive
Control. Invited session at the 2002 American Control Conference,
Anchorage, AK, May 2002.
- Kothare, M. V. (chair) and T. A. Badgwell (co-chair). Advances in
Process Control. Regular session at the 2002 AIChE Annual Meeting,
Indianapolis, IN, November (2002).
- Kothare, M. V. (session organizer and chair) and F. Allgöwer
(co-chair). Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Invited session at the
2003 American Control Conference, Denver, CO, June (2003).
- McClamroch, N. H. (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Constrained
Nonlinear Systems I. Regular session at the 2003 American Control
Conference, Denver, CO, June (2003).
- Kothare, M. V. (chair) and D. Afolabi (co-chair). Optimal Control.
Regular session at the 2003 American Control Conference, Denver,
CO, June (2003).
- Soroush, M. (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Control of
Hybrid Systems. Regular session at the 2003 AIChE Annual
Meeting , San Francisco, CA, November (2003).
- Kothare, M. V. (chair) and A. van de Wouver
(co-chair). Model Predictive Control. Contributed session at
the 7th IFAC symposium on Advanced Control of
Chemical Processes (ADCHEM) , Hong Kong, January (2004).
- Grimble, M. (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Linear Model Predictive Control - III.
Regular session at the 2004 American Control Conference, Boston, MA, July (2004).
- Kothare, M. V. (chair). Keynote session 5, 7th IFAC Conference on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems
(DYCOPS-7) , Boston, MA, July 5-7 (2004)
- Kothare, M. V. (chair) and M. Gallivan (co-chair). Advances
in Process Control. Regular session at the 2004 AIChE Annual
Meeting, Austin, TX, November (2004).
- M. A. Henson (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Nonlinear
Process Control. Regular session at the 2005 AIChE Annual Meeting,
Cincinnati, OH, November (2005).
- S. Hauan (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Design and
Operation of Micro-Processes. Regular session at the 2005 AIChE Annual
Meeting, Cincinnati, OH, November (2005).
- R. Judd (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Control
Applications II. Regular session at the 2005 American Control
Conference, Portland, OR, June (2005).
- M. V. Kothare (program area co-chair for Modeling and
Identification). International Symposium on Advanced Control of
Chemical Processes (ADCHEM 2006), Gramado, Brazil, April 2006.
- M. V. Kothare (chair) and P. Barton (co-chair). Fuel cells
and microchemical systems modeling. Regular session at the 2006 AIChE
Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November (2006).
- R. D. Braatz (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Advances
in nonlinear control. Regular session at the 2006 AIChE Annual
Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November (2006).
- R. Young (chair) and M. V. Kothare (co-chair). Recent
developments in systems and process control. Poster session at the
2007 AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, November (2007).
- D. Seborg (chair) and M. V. Kothare
(co-chair). Nonlinear Process Control. Regular session at the 2008
American Control Conference, Seattle, WA (2008).
- M. V. Kothare (chair) and M. Soroush (co-chair).
Recent advances in systems and process control. Poster session at the
2008 AIChE Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November (2008).
F5.5 Workshops Organized
Half-day workshop on industrial Model Predictive Control technology,
October 28, 1999, Chemical Process Modeling and Control Research Center,
Lehigh University. Invited industrial speakers included representatives
from Air Products & Chemicals Inc., AspenTech, DuPont Engineering,
Mitsubishi Chemical, Enterprise Control Technologies.
G. Professional Affiliations
1992 - present. Member, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
1992 - present. Member, Computing and Systems Technology (CAST) Division
of the AIChE
1994 - 2006. Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers (IEEE)
2006 - present. Senior Member, IEEE
1994 - present. Member, IEEE Control System Society
2000 - present. Member, IEEE Electron Devices Society
2000 - present. Member, Sigma Xi
2000 - present. Member, American Association for the Advancement
of Science