Gray E. Bebout, Professor, Lehigh University
Metamorphic Geochemistry, Biogeochemical Cycles, Astrobiology


Completion of the ST2B-2 (Subduction Top to Bottom 2) publication project, resulting in a 74-paper Themed Issue in the Geological Society of America journal GEOSPHERE
; link)  

Contact Information:
Gray E. Bebout, Professor

Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Director, Lehigh Astrobiology Program
1 West Packer Avenue
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18015-3001 USA
Office: 610-758-5831
Laboratory: 610-758-6168
Abbreviated CV, G. Bebout

G. E. Bebout page at the departmental website

Affiliated Research Scientist

Insititute for Planetary Materials
Okayama University
827 Yamada
Misasa, Tottori 682-0193
Website (click here)



Lead article, and cover in GSA Today, advertising the "Subduction Top to Bottom 2" publication project in the GSA journal GEOSPHERE (editors G. E. Bebout, D. W. Scholl, R. J. Stern, L. M. Wallace, and P. Agard; to see this Open Access article, click here)

GEOSPHERE "Subduction Top to Bottom 2" Themed Issue (completed; with 74 papers; click here)

October 2013 issue of ELEMENTS on "Nitrogen and its (biogeocosmo)chemical
(editors G. E. Bebout, M. L. Fogel, and P. Cartigny; see the cover of the issue here)

Recent review articles/book chapters (invited):

Bebout, G. E., 2020, Insights into subduction zone dynamics, Encyclopedia of Geology, 2nd edition, Elsevier.

Halama R., and Bebout, G. E., 2020, Earth's nitrogen and carbon cycles, in Introduction to Reading Terrestrial Planet Evolution in Isotopes and Element Measurements, International Space Science Institute.

Bebout, G. E., 2016, Caesium: Element and Geochemistry, Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, Earth Science Series, Springer.

Bebout, G. E., and Penniston-Dorland, S., 2015,
Fluid and mass transfer at subduction interfaces—The field metamorphic record (Invited Review Article),
Lithos, DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2015.10.007.

Bebout, G. E., Lazzeri, K. E., and Geiger, C. A., 2015,
Pathways for nitrogen cycling in Earth's crust and upper mantle: A review and new results for microporous beryl and cordierite (
Invited Centennial Article), American Mineralogist (available on MSA/AmMin website; DOI: 10.2138/am-2015-5363

Recent Research at Lehigh University (Stable Isotope Laboratory):

Carbon cycling in subduction zones: Record in HP/UHP metamorphic rocks, with work based in the Italian/French/Swiss Alps (collaborative with S. Angiboust, IPGP, Paris; P. Agard, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris; Marco Scambellluri and Laura Crispini, Università di Genova
[presentations at recent Fall AGU meetings; Goldschmidt Conference, 2013, 2018; GSA Annual Meeting, 2014;
see Cook-Kollars et al., 2014, and Collins et al., 2015, both papers in Chemical Geology; Scambelluri et al., 2016, Earth and Planetary Science Letters; Jaeckel et al., 2018, GEOSPHERE; recent research by EES students Kaylee Kraft (M.S.) and Gabe Epstein (Ph.D.; see Epstein et al., 2019, LITHOS, 2020, Chemical Geology)]

Volatiles cycling in subduction zones — Example of the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand: Ongoing, NSF-funded research aims to elucidate the cycling of volatiles (C, N, noble gases) across the Hikurangi margin, North Island, NZ. This study involves collaborations with researchers at the GNS Science (New Zealand; Bruce Christenson), the University of Tokyo (Hirochika Sumino), and the University of Minnesota (Ikuko Wada). Subduction inputs at this margin are being evaluated based in part on analyses of the C and N concentrations and isotope compositions in the sediment section entering the Hikurangi trench, using samples recently recovered by IODP Expedition 375. Thermal models of the margin will be merged with thermodynamic calculations of devolatilization in the subducting lithosphere/sediment section and outputs will be evaluated through analyses of volcanic and forearc cold seep gases (see Epstein et al., 2021, G-cubed; click here).

Whakaari (White Island), New Zealand

Helicopter ride to White Island (active arc volcano) to sample volcanic gases in a study of subduction zone volatiles cycling

Nitrogen Isotope (GeoBio)chemistry:

Incorporation of N during biotic/abiotic chemical alteration of seafloor basalts and basaltic glasses (collaborative with Eizo Nakamura, Katsura Kobayashi, Tsutomu Ota, and Tak Kunihiro, IPM; Open Access article in Astrobiology; click here; additional articles in International Journal of Astrobiology (Anderson et al., 2018), JGR-Planets (Nikitczuk et al., 2022; click here), and Astrobiology (Nikitczuk et al., 2022; click here)

Other recent research:

Lithium and chlorine behavior in subduction zones, Catalina Schist, California, and Schistes Lustres/Lago di Cignana, Italy (collaborative with Sarah Penniston-Dorland, University of Maryland; Jaime Barnes, University of Texas (papers in EPSL, 2011, LITHOS, 2019)

Behavior of Mo and Tl during prograde subduction zone metamorphism, Catalina Schist, California, and Schistes Lustres/Lago di Cignana, Italy (collaborative with Richard Gaschnig, Cassidy Stegner, and Sam Marshall, University of Massachusetts, Lowell; Shelby Rader, Indiana University; paper in Chemical Geology, 2021)

Sunda-Java-Timor Forearc-Trench-Arc 

We analyzed C-N concentrations and isotopic compositions of sediment [and altered seafloor basalt] recovered on ODP Legs 185 and 205 [see Sadofsky and Bebout, 2004, G-cubed; Li and Bebout, 2005, JGR and ODP Leg 205 Scientific Results), with the goals of characterizing organic sources and diagenetic history and subduction input fluxes in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana and Central American convergent margins. We also have been working on sediment C-N inputs into the Sunda-Java margin (see House et al., 2019, GEOLOGY). Locations for DSDP/ODP Sites 211, 261, 262, and 765 are shown on the seafloor topographic map above (image above is from Smith and Sandwell Global Seafloor Topography, NOAA and Scripps Institution of Oceanography). Our most recent shorebased-scientist involvement is for the 2018 drilling at the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand (IODP Expedition 375).

Recent/Ongoing Research Based in Misasa, Japan (Pheasant Memorial Laboratory, Institute for Planetary Materials, Okayama University):

Stable Isotope Zoning in HP and UHP Metamorphic Porphyroblasts (collaborative with Tak Kunihiro, Tsutomu Ota, Eizo Nakamura, and Bill Carlson; GEOSPHERE, 2022; click here)

Records of biogeochemical cycling of N (and other elements) in altered volcanic glasses (collaborative with Eizo Nakamura, Katsura Kobayashi, Tsutomu Ota, and Tak Kunihiro, IPM, Okayama University; recent work by Ph.D. student Matthew Nikitczuk; initial Open Access articles in Astrobiology; click here and Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets; click here)

Courses Taught:

EES 004 The Science of Environmental Issues
EES 015 Volcanoes and the Ring of Fire
EES 090 recently "
Volcanoes and the Ring of Fire" or "Space, The Final Frontier"
EES 131 Introduction to Rocks and Minerals
EES 334 Geosphere Structure and Evolution
EES 380 The Practice of Science
EES 471 Stable Isotope Chemistry: Theory, Techniques, and Applications in the Earth and Environmental Sciences (graduate level)

EES 293 Undergraduate Internships
EES 393 Undergraduate Research
EES 493 Advanced Topics in Tectonics (e.g., GEOFLUIDS)

Most of the research described here is funded by the National Science Foundation — funding for the research at the Institute for Planetary Materials is provided by MEXT (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) and Okayama University, Japan.


page last updated 7-09-24