Lehigh University - Facilities, Equipment and Other Resources

The EES Department is located in a state of the art facility completed in 2010. The STEPS Building carries LEED Gold certification for its environmental efficiency and was designed to encourage the integretation of research and teaching across disciplinary boundaries. (http://www4.lehigh.edu/giving/howsupport/faculty/steps.aspx). Laboratory and office space in STEPS is available to support all project participants.

Geomorphology and Surficial Processes Lab

The geomorphology lab is under the direction of Dr. Frank Pazzaglia. We have ample lab resources for diverse fluvial geomorphology, DEM computational, and soil data analysis. The lab contains extensive resources for geomorphology and Quaternary studies field work and mapping, including equipment for auger sampling, field soil-description, sedimentological analysis, and precision surveying (including digital altimeter and GPS equipment, Total Station, Laser Range finders). Our equipment includes fluvial geomorphic sampling devices such as Helley-Smith bedload samples, depth-integrated suspended sediment samplers, waders, etc. Basic wet chemistry procedures are provided via a fumed wet lab. We are equipped to handle PSDA, bulk density, and related basic soil data analyses. A facility for air-photo interpretation exists, which includes a research-quality stereoscope.

The Geomorphology and Surficial Processes Lab, in conjunction with the Departmental rock and soils preparation facility is equipped to process large quantities of quartz-bearing sediment for isolation of quartz grains for Be-10 cosmogenic analysis. Similarly, the Lab has the appropriate instruments for carbonate processing in the case of chlorine-36 cosmogenic sample preparation. Associated facilities include rock crushers, grinders, ro-taps and sieve columns, and analytical balances. Several hoods are available for sample digestion and associated initial stages of sample preparation. The lab maintains the equipment and heavy liquids for heavy mineral separations. Rock saws and a new table-top SEM are used for sample preparation and analysis before submittal for C-14 or U-series dating.

The Geomorphology and Surficial Processes lab also houses a computer laboratory centered on dual Windows-UNIX platforms with large disk storage capacities running ARC/INFO, ArcGIS v. 10.x and related GIS software. Several PCs running Windows are part of the network. Peripheral equipment includes a large-format electro-mechanical digitizer, a 1200 dpi postscript printer, and a postscript-capable deskjet color printer. Direct access is also available to a networked color postscript printer and large-format HP Plotter housed elsewhere in STEPS. The lab builds and maintaining a library of DEM data from across the world, including data for the Appalachians, Apennines, Alps, Mediterranean, and Rocky Mountains at various resolutions.

The Geomorphology lab, in cooperation with the hydraulics division of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering have renovated and made functional a flume facility for analogue experiments of channel morphology and behavior. The flume is a non-tilting, wooden 10 m long, 2 m wide, 0.5 m deep trough constructed in a larger pre-existing metal tank. Grade is established by adjustable runners and flow is carefully regulated by a constant-head tank fed by recirculated water. We have a wide variety of substrates, grades, and flow conditions that can be easily adjusted. We are successful in establishing stable meandering patterns through the application of small amounts of kaolinite following fluvial regrading of the initial graded surface. Experiments to date include base level fall and knickpoint migration for sandy alluvial channels vs. bedrock channels.

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