(Updated 30 May 2014)
2007 Hargreaves, B.R., S. F. Girdner, M. W.
Buktenica, R.W.Collier, E. Urbach, G. L. Larson, Ultraviolet Radiation and
Bio-optics in Crater Lake, Oregon. Hydrobiologia 574:107-140 (preprint
PDF; publisher link
to PDF).
2007 Larson, G.L., R.L. Hoffman, B.R. Hargreaves, R.W. Collier,
Predicting Secchi disk depth from average beam attenuation in a deep,
ultra-clear lake. Hydrobiologia 574:141–148 (publisher link to PDF).
2007 Belmont,
P., B.R. Hargreaves, D.P. Morris,
C.E. Williamson, Estimating Attenuation of Ultraviolet Radiation in Streams: Field
and Laboratory Methods. Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2007, 83:
1–9. (PDF)
2006 Cooke, S. L., C. E.
Williamson, B. R. Hargreaves, D. P. Morris. Beneficial and detrimental
interactive effects of dissolved organic matter and ultraviolet radiation on
zooplankton in a transparent lake, Hydrobiologia 568:15-28.
2006 Galster, J.C., F.J. Pazzaglia, B.R. Hargreaves, D.P. Morris,
S.C. Peters, R.N. Weisman. Effects of urbanization on watershed
hydrology: The scaling of discharge with drainage area, Geology 34
( 9): 713–716.
2005 Leech, D.M., C.E. Williamson, R.E. Moeller, B.R. Hargreaves,
2005. Effects of ultraviolet radiation on the seasonal vertical
distribution of zooplankton: a database analysis, Archiv für
Hydrobiologie 162 (4) 445-464.
2003 Hargreaves, B.R. Water Column Optics and Penetration of UVR,
pp.59-105 IN: UV Effects in Aquatic Organisms and Ecosystems, E.W.
Helbling & H. E. Zagarese (eds), Comprehensive Series in Photochemical and
Photobiological Sciences, Royal Society of Chemistry,
2003 Hargreaves, B.R., J.H. Morrow, G.L. Larson, S.F. Girdner, R.W. Collier, Ultraviolet measurements in Crater Lake, Oregon (USA) yield new estimates of UV attenuation and absorption by pure water. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, February 2003.
2003 Moeller, R.E., B.R. Hargreaves, D.P. Morris, C.E.Williamson, Seasonal, year-to-year and long term controls of UV attenuation in two mid-latitude lakes of contrasting wetland drainage and dissolved organic carbon content. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, February 2003.
2003 Hargreaves, B.R., E. Boss, S.F. Girdner, M. Buktenica, R.W. Collier, E. Urbach, G. Larson, Ultraviolet and Visible Solar Radiation in Crater Lake Oregon, Workshop title: “The vertical organization of energy, carbon, and nutrient cycles in Crater Lake”, 16-18 February, Corvallis, OR.
2002 Hargreaves, B.R., Morris, D.P., Zagarese, H.E., Ferraro, M., Añon Suarez, D., Soto. D. UV Attenuation & CDOM properties of mid to high latitude southern hemisphere lakes, ASLO June 2002 meeting, Victoria, B.C.
2002 Osburn, C., D.P. Morris, B.R.
Hargreaves, R.B. Coffin, and T.J. Boyd. Photochemical reactivity of
chromophoric dissolved organic matter in lakes and the coastal
2001 Zagarese, H., D. Añón Suárez, V. Rocco, P. Pérez, M. Ferraro, D. Soto, P. de Los Ríos, J. Jaramillo, Arismendi, M. Ruiz, B. Hargreaves, D. Morris, UV attenuation and photolability of dissolved organic matter in temperate lakes of South America, IAI Meeting, Brazil, November, 2001.
2001 Williamson, C.E., Neale, P.J., Grad, G., De Lange, H.J., and Hargreaves, B.R. Beneficial and detrimental effects of UV on aquatic organisms: implications of spectral variation. Ecological Applications 11(6):1843-1857.
2001 Osburn, C.L., H.E. Zagarese, D.P. Morris, B.R. Hargreaves, W.E. Cravero. Calculations of spectral weighting functions for the solar photobleaching of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in temperate lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr.46(6):1455-1467.
2001 Williamson, C.E. O.G. Olson, S.E.
2001, Hargreaves, B.R., C.L. Osburn,
D.P. Morris, R.E. Moeller. Spectral slope response to solar and biotic
processes: Comparison of model with estimates from CDOM absorption and UV
attenuation measurements. Aquatic Sciences Meeting of ASLO,
2001,Osburn, C.L., D.P. Morris, B.R.
Hargreaves, H.E. Zagarese. Modeling the contribution of UV radiation
to the photobleaching of CDOM in temperate lakes from North and
2001, Williamson, C.E., P.J. Neale, G. Grad,
H. J. De Lange, B. R. Hargreaves. Beneficial and detrimental effects of
UV radiation: implications of variation in the spectral composition of
environmental radiation for aquatic organisms. Aquatic Sciences Meeting of
2000, Osburn, C.L., D.P. Morris, B.R.
Hargreaves. Spectral dependence of photobleaching of CDOM in lake
ecosystems. Pacifichem 2000 Meeting of the International Chemical
Congress of Pacific Basin Societies,
2000, Hargreaves, B.R., D.P. Morris,
R.E. Moeller, C.E.Williamson. Seasonal Variation of Ultraviolet
Transparency In Lakes. International meeting of ASLO,
2000, Hargreaves, B. R., C. Sopka, D.
P. Morris. Water Column Experiments With CDOM: Seasonal Changes in
Photochemical Reactivity and Daily Photobleaching Rates (EOS, ASLO/AGU Ocean
Sciences Meeting,
1999 Hargreaves, B.R. and K. Farkas.
1999 Williamson, C.E., B.R. Hargreaves, P.S. Orr, and P.A. Lovera. Does UV play a role in changes in predation and zooplankton community structure in acidified lakes? Limnol. Oceanogr. 44:774-783.
1998 Farkas, K. and B.R. Hargreaves. Hydrology of two pocono lakes: Hourly weather and water level data yield rates of evaporation, runoff, & groundwater exchange. ASLO 1998 Meeting Abstracts, p. A-30.
1997 Morris, D. P. and B. R. Hargreaves. The role of photochemical degradation of dissolved organic carbon in regulating the UV transparency of three lakes on the Pocono Plateau. Limnol. Oceanogr. 42(2): 239-249.
1997 Hargreaves,.B.R. and C. Lozupone. Solar UV bleaching of DOM in lake water: experimental measurements and a model. Abstract for 1997 ASLO meeting.
1996 Ayoub, L.M., B.R. Hargreaves, and
D.P. Morris. UVR attenuation in lakes: Relative contribution of dissolved and
particulate material.
1996 Hargreaves, B. R. Full-spectrum UV irradiance & estimates of column ozone from a solar-powered radiometer. EOS v.75, abstract for 1996 Ocean Sciences meeting of AGU/ASLO.
1996 Moeller, R. E. and B. R. Hargreaves. Midsummer resistance of phytoplankton productivity to UV photoinhibition in a clear temperate lake. EOS v.75, abstract for 1996 Ocean Sciences meeting of AGU/ASLO.
1995 Hargreaves, B. R. Mysid
Crustaceans, p.59-68 in L.E. Dove and R.M. Nyman (eds.), Living Resources of
the Delaware Estuary. The
1995 Morris, D.P., H. Zagarese, C.E. Williamson, E.G. Balserio, B. Hargreaves, B. Modenutti, R. Moeller, C. Queimalinos. The attenuation of UV radiation in lakes and the role of dissolved organic carbon. Limnol. Oceanogr. 40:1381-1391.
1994 Kirk, J. T. O., B. R. Hargreaves, D. P. Morris, R. Coffin, B. David, D. Frederickson, D. Karentz, D. Lean, M. Lesser, S. Madronich, J. H. Morrow, N. Nelson, and N. Scully. 1994. Measurement of UV-B radiation in two freshwater lakes: an instrument intercomparison. Arch. Hydrobiol. Beih., Ergbn. Limnol. 43:71-99.